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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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The title pretty much sums it up. What is the creepiest thing that happened to you/the creepiest place you were in in Fallout 3?


For me, it would probably be when I was in Alexandria Arms. I was on a looting-spree, when I walk into this little "hallway" thing. There is a skeleton on the floor, and I don't think anything of it... that is, until it "sits up" and attacks me. I don't know if it was a physics glitch or what, but it definitly hurt me. Only took away 1 HP, but still... :huh:


So, what about you?

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I was trailing rivet city and got interdicted in a heavily wooded area by a mob of night ghouls (MMM) (they glow in the dark) I did not have a light on due to death claws in the area and was going in stealth mode with the light off. I had never seen night ghouls until the RC1 patch so having a mob of them charge me was creepy, also I switched to my shotgun and forgot it was not silenced, so I'm surrounded by death claws and night ghouls and cant see anything except various forms of death tearing me apart.
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I'll be honest, this might sound pretty pathetic, but I was just walking around D.C. with no paticular goal, when suddenly I hear someone yelling (loudly) about "the worm". Apparently he's "the mad preacher". Really though, I was quite surprised.
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I've jumped countless times from various creatures leaping at me right as I turn around to see them. But the creepiest thing I've ever had happen to me was a little after my first time playing.


I was walking to the Minefield for the Wasteland Survival Guide; I was standing in front of the Scrapyard, decided whether to take the highway or go through the Scrapyard when suddenly I heard a loud "bang" far ahead of me. I ran through the piled up cars to find a dead wastelander lying on the ground and a single shot gun shell adjacent to his body... Never did I feel more un-safe in the Wastelands than during those few minutes of fright.

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Another odd (and somewhat creepy) thing happened to me just today.


I was exploring around the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinnema, when I heard a loud "bang!" I went to investigate, and I saw a dead wastelander. No sign of what killed him though.


Then, after I walk away, I see a scavenger, and I figured that's what killed him. So, I go back to get some junk that I dropped to make some extra room, so I could sell it to the scavenger.


When I look back, the body of the waster was gone. I didn't think anything of it, until the undead wastelander attacked the scavenger. Then, when the scavenger was dead, the wastelander just dropped dead.


Very strange...

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Another odd (and somewhat creepy) thing happened to me just today.


I was exploring around the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinnema, when I heard a loud "bang!" I went to investigate, and I saw a dead wastelander. No sign of what killed him though.


Then, after I walk away, I see a scavenger, and I figured that's what killed him. So, I go back to get some junk that I dropped to make some extra room, so I could sell it to the scavenger.


When I look back, the body of the waster was gone. I didn't think anything of it, until the undead wastelander attacked the scavenger. Then, when the scavenger was dead, the wastelander just dropped dead.


Very strange...


That's pretty damn spooky lol.



For me one of the strangest things i ran across was a random friendly super mutant walking near the Robco factory. he was as nice as fawkes but not hireable. you could rob him and he'd give his things away willingly, saying that he planned on giving it to you anyway.. a REALLY nice mutant.. when your done talking to him you can even attack him and he'll just fuss a little.. though if you push him too far he tries to kill you and starts to talk like your average mutant.. could never figure out his story,just another oddity like fawkes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Another odd (and somewhat creepy) thing happened to me just today.


I was exploring around the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinnema, when I heard a loud "bang!" I went to investigate, and I saw a dead wastelander. No sign of what killed him though.


Then, after I walk away, I see a scavenger, and I figured that's what killed him. So, I go back to get some junk that I dropped to make some extra room, so I could sell it to the scavenger.


When I look back, the body of the waster was gone. I didn't think anything of it, until the undead wastelander attacked the scavenger. Then, when the scavenger was dead, the wastelander just dropped dead.


Very strange...


That's pretty damn spooky lol.



For me one of the strangest things i ran across was a random friendly super mutant walking near the Robco factory. he was as nice as fawkes but not hireable. you could rob him and he'd give his things away willingly, saying that he planned on giving it to you anyway.. a REALLY nice mutant.. when your done talking to him you can even attack him and he'll just fuss a little.. though if you push him too far he tries to kill you and starts to talk like your average mutant.. could never figure out his story,just another oddity like fawkes.


That's actually Uncle Roe, the friendly mutant.

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