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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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The creepiest thing that happened to me in Fo3 was when I went to the Super Duper mart to get the food and medicine there for Moira. The strangest thing was that there were no red blimps on the radar, so I'm like WTF what happened to them. Then from around the corner a deathclaw appears, a deathclaw at level 3, how? Someone I managed to survive, and used his claw as a weapon for the rest of the game, quite useful. Another strange moment was when I killed a Yaogui; I blew his head off and he sat there like a puppy, only dead. Another one was when I was near Fort independence to get that really powerful armor. So I'm a few feet from the explosive building or whatever its called, and this gigantic blue orb from the top left of the screen came out of nowhere shooting harmless beams of light at enimies as if attacking them. What the hell?
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Getting hit on by that guy in Girdershade.. while playing a child PC. That was kinda creepy. Not that it's the game's fault, but still...


But also, kinda funny. I got to imagine little Talia's reaction to some of the things he says. "WTF does he mean by plow her bean field? I don't see any fields..." And of course, Blaze's reaction to Dukov. :biggrin:

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I was walking around the Church with the Sniper in it at night, Trying to get a good, undetected shot off of him when I get attacked by 20+ glowing ghouls from behind (MMM), was scary poo.
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The warehouse at point lookout containing the doll heads. I walked in and saw all those glowing eyes and discolored heads, did a 180 and ran almost all the way back to the boat. Would've left too if I had possessed the caps.


Now the fun one. I was in the police station where red and the fellow from Big Town are being held captive. There was a skeleton at the end of the hallway on the top floor that I tripped over and caused it to twitch for a second. Ignoring this since it happens so often, I co0ntinue on my quest to rescue the two. When I return to where the skeleton was, I noticed the top half had moved about a yard down the hall, and continued to do so. It wasn't twitching and was unable to be interacted with. It looked as if it was sliding down the hallway, phasing through debris, walls, and super mutant corpses. (Also ran into my first Overlord on this excursion. He took two frag mines, a bottlecap mine, and I believe a plasma mine also before I unloaded a hunting rifle. Luckily for me I got that characters first minigun out of the deal.)

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Once, in the statesman hotel, all the mutants suddenly flew up and hung upside-down in midair, dead.


(Rhetorical question:)Why are we exchanging bugs like kids telling ghost stories around a campfire?

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Well this wasn't so "creepy" as it was a "thrilling experience".

So I was going around the wastes with my trusty 40 round automated laser rife (WMK) taking on anything that stood in my way.Well I see in the distance a rad scorpion.Without thinking I start shooting....It turns out I had just one round, enough to alert him, the scorpion was a GIANT Rad scorpion and it came charging towards me! Never have I seen such a frightening moment in my life.I just stood there hoping my character will finish reloading in time....I didn't survive.Since then I reload after EVERY fight or enemy killed!

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Actually, this only happened on my first play-through, so I had forgotten. But I activated some radio or power thingy and got a new station to listen to. On the other side there was just the ragged breathing, like that of a ghoul. I don't know why, but it scared the hell out of me.
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I belive this was recently discussed.

SPOILER ALERT! (don't know how to put spoiler tags in xP)


There seems to be this radio station where once you go in you can see a ghoul standing next to a radio mic.If you kill it the breathing stops!



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Well, not really creepy, a little, but more funny than anything. I was walking around Rivet City/Jefferson Memorial, and this guy comes running up to me who has a Railway Rifle, he yells at me and I promptly shoot him right in the face with a Combat Shotgun. HE GOES FLYING. During that same time of playing, I heard on the radio about Oasis (never really took interest in it before) so I go looking for it. I have the GreenWorld mod, so there are trees strewn about the wasteland, and upon my arrival at Oasis, I find Mr. Railway Rifle lodged in a tree. I just laughed and then was like "O.O" When all of a sudden I heard a yell and the same guy was right behind me shooting me with his Railway Rifle. I was so freaked out. Maybe he got mad for me killing his twin brother? XD
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