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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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I was doing a quest in Old Olney, i had lots of health and the area seemed to be clear, so i didn't think much about the Deathclaws.

Then suddenly i hear the loud scream of a Deathclaw as it attacks me from behind. That really gave me a scare :P

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I tend to not look in back too much, hell, there are Fawkes and Cross there supposed to watch my back. Each one have 200 stims, so they just don't drop like fies. Not to mention that are overpowered anyway.


So I'm just exploring random parts of DC in subways, and I see a door. I enter in sneak mode and I see like 4 tangos on my radar. We are 3 they are 4, no prob. 1-st corner on left. No one there. Stairs. I go up on the stairs just to hear "No more games!" and the screen stats blinking red. I almost jumped from the chair. Wtf??!!


I turn around to see an Overlord with a 3 beam, another one with a super sledge and some other mutt with a minigun or a gatling. No Fawkes or Cross. Is a dead end, with a door I did not noticed, damn it.


I've spend a lot of stims in there till I could drop one of the muts to free the way to the door.


I manage to get out, Fawkes and Cross are there, in front of the door, pacefully staring at eachother. And that green dumbass thinks is nice to tell me "Our steps must be measured!" Please.

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Uhm it must been when i first found that medical power armor.

I just read that it was supposed to heal me in combat so i didn't know it was going to talk....

Now lets get to the story :P


I was walking towards super market the one close to megaton to make the quest there. I saw some raiders outside so i started sneaking and just when i was going to shoot that shitty raider in the head my armor yells "Sir enemy uppahead" or something :P That freaked me out xD

I was so into the game with my sniper and i was just waiting for that perfect shoot xD



Btw the kid from grayditch scared the poo out of me to ^^

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I have tons of freaky moments. Lets start out with the pitt.


See, I was in the factory part in the steel yard, and I unlock the 'Very Hard' door. I find my steel ingots, and when im about to walk out, I see a skeleton at a terminal. I read it and its about how the company workers are killing the robots because they don't want to loose a job. Then, the workers go the the Boss, (Skeleton) and pull out pistols. So he runs to his office, shuts the door and locks it, and hears the people yelling outside. Then the robots randomly go on attack mode. He hears lazers and people screaming and asking to come in. He just sits there until everyones dead. He hears clanking of the protectrons walking up and down the hall. Then he dies.


I was like "Interesting, but now I need to find the ingots!" so I exit the terminal, the door is closed and I hear protectrons walking down the hall. I just sit their with the door closed. Until it gets louder and louder, and the door opens. Protectron. I just stare at it and it stares and me. Then after 10 seconds it says "Hello" then I just VATS his head with my gauss and shoot it.


Next, is whenever I hear this Yao Guai growling behind me and I turn around and VATS real quick while its jumping at me with its jaws open. I shoot it and its head flys off into the sky not hitting the ground.


Next is dunwich. I just was walking with dogmeat through the whole thing, it was fine. Not too scary. So right when we leave the building, I turn around to find dogmeat. He's not their. Then the whole building shook, (Pretty much the screen) and it was shaking so much that it just stopped. Then a blip came up and said "Dogmeat has died!"


I know I have very freaky ones but I dont remember...

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The title pretty much sums it up. What is the creepiest thing that happened to you/the creepiest place you were in in Fallout 3?


For me, it would probably be when I was in Alexandria Arms. I was on a looting-spree, when I walk into this little "hallway" thing. There is a skeleton on the floor, and I don't think anything of it... that is, until it "sits up" and attacks me. I don't know if it was a physics glitch or what, but it definitly hurt me. Only took away 1 HP, but still... :huh:


So, what about you?



I have to say the creepiest moment i've had still gives me the chills when I think about it. this was in the Dunwich building. I had just cleared all the mobs and named near that statue when I started to hear voices I think. going into stealth mode I started scanning around the place and went back to the main floor. Little did I know I had skipped the cut scene where you hallucinate and see some guy in a flash then a Glowing One. half nearly made me jump out of my skin.


sadly the spookiest moment i've had was not in FO3 but in FEAR. walking through the sewers with Alma ghosting you. I can never play FEAR alone and in the dark since then :blink:

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@StealthicKhaos: For a moment I thought you said a BLIMP came out of the dunwich building.


My creepiest moment would have to be at night out in the wastelands, with that wasteland ambience mod. It adds random background sounds like people screaming, dogs howling and gunfire and some others. So this one time, a very deep and loud humming or groaning came out. It sounded really, really large, like a monster the size of the megaton town. All of a sudden I see something flying through the head, it was flinged from a distance and landed somewhere behind me.


I ran backwards to see what it was, and its a dead protectron. I hear the gunfire and a woman screaming (all wasteland ambience mods). After that I kept my cool, turned backwards and another thing flew over towards me, a death claw spinning 360 landed right. beside. me. Well I moved of course...



There was another time in the national archives building, I cleared out the entire area and ran through a hallway with the cow head trap. The trap was already sprung and the cowhead was in clear view. So I just ran pass it and all of a sudden I get knocked down on the floor and the cowhead was swinging.... I swear I never grazed past it or touched it at all. I had low endurance and DR so it hurted alot.

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well today i was just doing a quick test for something, happily walking down a road with my dog and all of the sudden

4 raider bodys fell on top of me and KILLED me out right lol


the thing is i was not in battle and i had just saved like 2 mins ago


did a reload but it did not happen again :( boooo would have made a funny video......

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Probably the creepiest thing to happen to me was to be caught outside in the night sneaking through the DC area. I eventually found a deserted camp for raiders and wandered around it, stealing everything and wondering where the raiders were. I then hear a fight break out. I turn around and a Supermutant is stood right behind me, towering (I'm crouched) and pointing a big sledgehammer towards my head. I did NOT survive.


After I reloaded I found that the raiders had been attacked by mutant, but all of them had gone after the centaurs the mutant had with him. I just drew the short straw and got the big one.

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There is a group of raiders in a subway. Being the tactical type that I am (also using the mod that removes the [HIDDEN] messages) I decide to wait until they are all in perfect position for me to get 5 headshots in a row. After the second group-up, I am ready. I wait patiently they are near the grouping point, almost there, and then kkkerrrrrrPLOP *I go flying 10 feet* I turn around to see a reaver attacking me with all its must.


Obviously I forget about the raiders and attack the reaver. The raiders (after noticing us) Decide the guy with very limited ammo in a sawed-off is more important then a reaver and I am shot instead of the reaver.

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