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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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Oh, I remember one good one...


I had just forgotten that I recently installed MMM. Was wandering through a metro and find about ten ghouls all bunced up at a dead end. After a long and heavy fight, I went to find containers and stuff in this dead end. Then about half those ghouls stood up and started killing me.



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This is rather silly -not to mention embarassing. I was sneaking toward the SuperDuper Mart on Moira Survival Guide Quest. I always choose to go around left -that's near that wrecked bus. I noticed hostiles on my compass, so I whipped out a rifle so I'd be ready to engage whatever enemies were lurking near the entrance to the SuperDuper Mart. As I crept closer to the side of the building, getting ready to round the corner -all the while keeping an eye on my compass to keep tabs on my enemies' movements- I was startled by a bleeping sound and a message box that popped up, telling me I had found several locations on my pipboy and that I now could fast travel between them.

I was so engrossed in the game, boiling with anticipation of what enemies I would encounter -raiders, deathclaw, hitmen, slavers- that this silly messagebox freaked me out completely.



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I was going around the mesuom of tech and had finaly gotten into that cmall roomn with a PC just left of the fake vault exibit.Before I got to it I had been testing the fussion riffle (awesome mod) onto some super mutants.As most of the poeplw ho had this mod would know,its extremly overpowered.

As I was done with the terminal for the turrets I decide to turn back and go out of the building.Rather than a free coridor with stairs I see a super mutant both stuck and running towards me without checking the compas or trying to see what kind of mutant it was I shoot him....few seconds later I get the messag "Fawkes has died"....oops?Good thind the game had made an auto-safe when I had entered the cell =P.

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very nice stories, I have to find that "ghouls revive" script :D

I come with pictures

I was walking out of Vault 108 when this horrible yao guai (I wasn't used to Yao Guais back then) jumped on me

I had this double barreled mod shotgun and I killed him in 2 reflex shots (like when I shook from the ROAR my finger clicked the trigger twice or 3 times), but the door must've closed exactly that moment cuz the bear got caught behind it. His head was coming out of the wood planks staring at me, but it wasn't moving cuz I killed it... or the vault door killed it or something, idk for sure, but it was really freaky how he got pinned there

see for yourselves:

http://thumbnails12.imagebam.com/4612/cf254246116557.gif http://thumbnails8.imagebam.com/4612/4954d646116567.gif http://thumbnails15.imagebam.com/4612/4bc04746116569.gif http://thumbnails14.imagebam.com/4612/91c9d646116577.gif



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I was in The Pitt and i heard noises and my radar thing said that it was in front of me and then it just vanished and all of a sudden i got attacked from behind me, i turn around and there is a Trog in mid-air right in my face.


Scared the crap out of me and i blew his head off lol

Same thing happened to me. I fell back off of the building while shooting at it and then sat there in real life and laughed because it actually scared the crap out of me.


Another time was at Dukov's (I'm running MMM-RC4) and I had a Deathclaw and Enclave soldiers coming at me, I ran into Dukov's and they Came In After Me. That scared me, I wasn't expecting it to happen.


Erie times were in the Dunwich Building, Deathclaw Sanctuary and in the old Metros. Now with MMM the Metros are much more crowded and I found myself running out of ammo and weapons breaking down. One time I pulled out my sword and barely made it out alive after everything else failed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Once I was in... it was some power plant. DogMeat was with me, keeping me "safe" (stupid dog...) and I entered. There was one little radroach so I killed it with my sileneced 10mm pistol. Then I saw this door, and behind it my radar sai there was a lot of enemies. Thinking they were just radroaches, I opened the door. and... BAMMM! Theres 20 ghouls in my face. This was on my PS3 version, so there wasnt like MMM on or anything, but it scared the crap outta me. I ran out the building, and kept running. I turned to see they were STILL behind me (sadly dogmeat died... hehehe) and I ran even further. Then I came across a gang of Super mutants and led the ghouls to them. I got out of site. I came back and there was one mutant left. I shot it in the head and walked on...
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