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"show only the active forms" in actor menu missing in Steam CK, help


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Hey everyone, I'm trying to export facegen on an active mod and I need that only the active records of the active mod shows up. Normally, there is a checkbox somewhere "show only the active forms". But I cannot find it, anyone knows where it is, please ? ^^

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Glad you solved it.


To answer your question, when you sort by Form ID the records will be grouped by plugin. The first two digits of the Form ID correspond with the load order of the master files and the plugin being worked on.


For example, a mod requiring only Skyrim.esm will have 01 as the first two digits of the Form IDs whereas 00 will be for records from Skyrim.esm.


It isn't perfect because the mod could be modifying records from Skyrim.esm rather than having completely new records. To help with that, any new record or edited master record contained in the active plugin will have an asterisk (*) next to it. But it will still require scrolling to locate those modified master records.


It is this imperfection that probably led to Creation Kit Fixes including it.

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