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No voices, misaligned thirdperson,etc


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Voices- I set the volume for it on any amount, it never plays (when im rite next to them, not in the dialog menu), and neither do their lips move , subtitles work fine, when I go into dialog, the NPC's greeting/farewell plays no sound, the rest of their dialog works fine.

This happened recently, and I have no mods or anything relating to sounds, besides gun shot sound replacements


Thirdperson- occasionally, the 3p camera is pointed in the right of my character, so everytime i walk or use VATS, my character shoots sideways.

I don't have any mods that edit the camera at all


Crashes- I get numerous crashes just wandering randomly around the Wasteland, and tons when trying to get into interiors, such as ALL Vaults, Mueseum of Tech, National Archives, etc. (player.moveto works fine though)

Again, I don't have anything that I think modifies cells

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Voices- I set the volume for it on any amount, it never plays (when im rite next to them, not in the dialog menu), and neither do their lips move , subtitles work fine, when I go into dialog, the NPC's greeting/farewell plays no sound, the rest of their dialog works fine.

This happened recently, and I have no mods or anything relating to sounds, besides gun shot sound replacements


Thirdperson- occasionally, the 3p camera is pointed in the right of my character, so everytime i walk or use VATS, my character shoots sideways.

I don't have any mods that edit the camera at all


Crashes- I get numerous crashes just wandering randomly around the Wasteland, and tons when trying to get into interiors, such as ALL Vaults, Mueseum of Tech, National Archives, etc. (player.moveto works fine though)

Again, I don't have anything that I think modifies cells


Voices: I don't know, I never heard of this problem before maybe disable recent mods & see if that fixes it. sorry I wish I was more help.


Thirdperson: it's working as designed but there is help. search "center" on FO3Nexus.


Crashes: FO3 is a bugged game and there are a lot of reasons for it to crash poorly made mods, dlc throwing a fit, FO3 throwing a fit, LIVE throwing a fit (if you use it) again try disabling mods & or DLC & see if that works

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