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I recently stumbled upon an Oldrim Mod that hasn't been wored on since 2013 and was created by the mod author DRAGONCHRIS152 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13910/ obviously the original mod author has long since moved on but it still has multiple assets owned by other mod authors which is a damb shame really because ever since the Stolen mod asset farce back in 2018, the modding community has become a bunch of assholes that are like a pack of rabid wolves frothing at the mouth ready to tear eachother and anything that comes near to shreds and has literally divided the Modding Community. All I am Asking is that you please put aside all petty differences and past hatred andd please consider making this happen for Xbox. Because thereare a ton of Pc Exclusive Mods that look really cool and would love to see it for console.
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Ah, just a thought here, but if you want people to help you, you might not want to ask for their help by belittling them or trying to shame them into doing you a favor. Belligerent attitudes, unfounded accusations, and petty insults aren't all that endearing and definitely do not inspire authors to want to do something for you.

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Look Am not trying to argue here or start an argument but what I speak is certainly true and falling on deaf ears all the time and the Toxicityof the Mod Community and Toxic Mod Authors are not heping either but Yiu Limey Brits haven't always been kind to us Americans either so Watch it! I also have been noticing that our Diplomatic relationship with The Uk is souring and deteriorated almost to the point of severing ties with the US.
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