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[REQ] New Vampiric Power (Blood Drench)


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TL;DR: It's done! (Except the color...)


Okay, so since I can't find a way to make the spell last longer, I made it the same length as the original Vile Vapors. I redid the health and stamina damage so they activate only once, and they do so whether it hits something or not. Currently, they're inducing the fear effect up to level 60 (easily changeable, let me know) for 60 seconds (also easily changeable). It's also added properly when the player becomes a vampire and SHOULD be removed properly if they're no longer a vampire (haven't tested it, but I see no reason it won't work). The only issue right now is that it's still green because I can't do that part.


(Also, I feel everyone should know this basically means we're vomiting on our enemies, but that's not good enough. We want to bleed when we vomit on our enemies. I feel like this should disturb me, but apparently Skyrim has broken that part of me.)

Edited by Xander9009
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(Also, I feel everyone should know this basically means we're vomiting on our enemies, but that's not good enough. We want to bleed when we vomit on our enemies. I feel like this should disturb me, but apparently Skyrim has broken that part of me.)


I feel ya. Still, definitely downloading this! I'm eager to use it.

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You're welcome. Please let me know if it works properly. It worked for me without any problems, but that doesn't mean it'll work for others. I uploaded it just now so you can install it through NMM if you want and get an update if someone decides to retexture it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/46295/?

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