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Weapon Resource


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I am trying to make a skyrim mod, and it's not being too unsuccesful at the moment, but I've reached a little blockade. I have a unique weapon with visual effects and everything, but currently it is using a placeholder mesh, so if anyone could either:

1. recommend a good 1 handed sword resource that I can use freely

2. actually make one (I doubt this will happen, but I would be eternally grateful if they did.)


The sword should preferably look something like this:


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I could easily make the mesh for that but i won't be able to texture it, I'm god-awful at textures.

I can texture alright. If you could make the mesh and colour parts of the texture in block for where parts should be IE the blade part of the texture done block red, the hilt in block green... Thanks for the offer.

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I could easily make the mesh for that but i won't be able to texture it, I'm god-awful at textures.

I can texture alright. If you could make the mesh and colour parts of the texture in block for where parts should be IE the blade part of the texture done block red, the hilt in block green... Thanks for the offer.



Might take me a while, I'm also juggling dark souls models atm, i'll get back to you when it's done.

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Hm.. i havn't done a sword in a while.

I can give it a go, though not promising anything. It all depends if I get bored or not :p



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Scrapped together a base mesh, is this somewhat the kind of shape you want?



If yes -- I can probably take the time to fiinish it.

If no - i'll scrap it.

Swords were a lot more boring than I remembered :p oh well



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