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Worldmap rendering bug - Fine in GECK, "ghosting" in game.


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I've had trouble finding someone else experiencing this bug, mainly because I have no idea what to call it.

In the GECK, I'm editing a pre-existing worldspace (FortMainGate) and moving things around, changing the landscape, adding objects and so on, deleting existing stuff (like cliffs and collision markers) and in the render window everything seems pretty good.

However, when I load my plugin in the game, the map looks messed up, with ground that I can walk through, and the "ghosts" or outlines of former features in the map. I'm sure this is something silly and that maybe I've forgotten to do something in the GECK (the tutorials I've seen on map creation are surprisingly brief) and this doesn't happen if I create my own worldspace, only editing existing ones.

I've got really low graphical settings as this isn't my working machine, but still - I don't get these issues elsewhere, and the fact I can walk through these anomalies makes me thing its something in the GECK I've forgotten to do. Here are some screens to help identify the issue:

How it looks in the GECK:


How it looks in game:


Notice I don't mind the floating objects (which I need to fix in the GECK) its the weird textureless blob thingie that I can walk through and doesn't belong there and doesn't show up in the GECK. Everything else I put is there, its just behind these huge walls of weird.

In advance, thanks for the help of anyone that chooses to indulge my request :laugh:

Also, does anybody know what these round radius markers in blue and light blue are for?


Thanks again.

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The issue is with LOD you need to try to regenerate the LOD but you can't do the entire WastelandNV worldsapse it's just too big.


Try this


You will still have LOD issues if you are removing a building or object that had LOD originally. We haven't figured out how to stop the pop in yet but if your placing you new metro station in a clear area that doesn't have issues with other objects do this.

  1. place your metro station and use the hight map editor to change the default land so the metro entrance looks good in the GECK.
  2. unpack all of the landscape meshes with BSAopt or FOMM, Meshes\landscape\LOD\ Whatever workdspace your working on.
  3. open the mod in FO3edit and look at the worldspace changes. it will tell you which block was edited
  4. open the folder meshes\landscape\LOD\ worldspace your editing and find the files for the block your editing and delete them.
  5. open the mod up in the GECK again and go to World\World LOD and re generate the LOD landscape meshes for the worldspace you working on

We have found that Generating LOD is not an all or nothing thing it will regenerate only the missing loose files for your edited cell and you'll be able to even do this for the Wasteland worldspace just as I did.

If needed you can do the same thing for LOD landscape textures.

we haven't figured out how to keep the vanilla LOD meshes for building from popping in and out yet but we are looking into ways to fix that.

Edit; when distributing you mod you will need to include only the newly generated LOD meshes and if needed LOD textures not all of the files you needed to unpack. example in this mod I had to delete block 0 of the wasteland worldspace so I only needed to include block 0 as loose flies not all of the LOD meshes that are already in the vanilla BSA.

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Thank you for your reply Chucksteel,


I have a problem though. I can't exactly figure out what blocks I've edited, as there's a lot of info on the FNVedit screen, as shown below:





Would you be so kind as to give me the exact destination where I can find them, and what they're supposed to look at? At the moment I'm seeing Blocks, sub-blocks, "names", numbers, and a load of other stuff I can't make heads or tails out of! :blush:


Also, I went a step ahead and did step #5 to see what I could do, following that path didn't give me an option to regenerate the LOD for the worldspace I was working on, it only allowed me to choose a worldspace (like Wasteland, Freeside, etc) and do the whole thing:





How do I select just the cells/blocks I want to change?


Thanks again for your patience.

Edited by FlipArse
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