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Horrible game breaking bug, please help!


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Hi :smile:


I have recently got a horrible game breaking bug (hence the title :tongue:) which is completely stopping me from being able to play the game


I have installed a lot of mods and it is undoubtedly one of them but I just need help in identifying which kind of mod would do this to my game


Whenever I enter a room (Chet's shop after starting a new game) the loading icon is just pink blocks, then when it loads textures are rapidly changing on the walls, floor, people, etc. It also won't let me pause the game nor open my Pip Boy so I have to quit by typing "qqq" into the console :sad:


I uploaded some images below to show you what is happening


Any help at all would be greatly appreciated :smile:


Thank you

Edited by ConnorTaylor97
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If you could post your load order it would help. Those triangles are missing meshes, a mod may well have been installed incorrectly or your archiveinvalidation isn't done. It could also be possible that you're running too many mods, more than 135-140 can cause problems, vanishing meshes and textures being one of them.

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