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Nexus Imageshare (Thoughts/feedback thread)


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I suppose this is the correct section for all collective feedback? I originally posted this in Skyrim General before seeing this section.




So first I'd like to say for one, thanks to the guys who run the show behind the Nexus and to all the modders.


So let's get right to the topic. Alright so, the imageshare itself is good. I've mostly hung around the Skyrim imageshare myself, with some peeking over at the other imageshares. I mean, it's a good place for people to have a good time, submitting images they want to share with others. People can comment on the images to submit feedback about their shots, or endorse them as a way of giving kudos on a job well done. Then you have the sections dedicated for images with high endorsement ratings as a way of getting work out there so to speak.


I have to admit that hanging around the imageshare can be really rewarding, as I've discovered some great work from others not even here, but also on other image sites like Flickr. It's not only just a medium for submitting images, but for us to communicate as well. Since technically, we're all one big family really. We tend to see each other each time we go here, so I suppose we're like virtual brother/sisters.


Basically for me, this has become sort of a hobby. It's inspired me to try different things outside of playing games, but wanting to contribute to them. Heck, I never thought I would see myself taking screenshots of games, or communicating with others on a portion of a site dedicated to screenarchery. I have no regrets of it though, as it's been really rewarding for myself.


- Being able to see others constantly improve from the beginning of their submitted images and towards the present.


- Being able to see mod authors submitting previews of their upcoming work.


- Being able to see all of the different visual styles and ways this game can be shown.


I've seen some people take this game and literally make it look like a new one, truly amazing stuff.


With all that said, I just have to say I'm glad this site was around, and the people on it are around to.


If you can at the time, (as I understand we all don't have unlimited time). Don't forget to leave a comment for a mod author previewing their new armor, enb, dungeon, or weapon. Or even a comment for other screenarchers as well. Endorsements are good quick way for letting someone know you appreciated their work, but a comment can help a person even more. It's really encouraging when you leave feedback for people as it can help them improve, or boost their confidence. I've seen some mod authors constantly submitting their preview works (like the Ayleid Transfusion project by varlaisaran) or (Elvarheim) who get little attention. I'm sure guys like him could use some love. These guys are doing some really good stuff, and there's a ton of others out there too.




I would also like to post a request about the imageshare as well:


- For images with the endorsement feature disabled, would it be possible to set-up a category for these to be grouped together? What I mean is like you have separate categories for Aesthetic, Combat, Misc, etc. shots would it be possible to have a toggle option for (Endorsements Allowed/No Endorsements Allowed?)


I ask because there's some really good shots out there, deep within those 200,000+ images in the imageshare that are very hard to find. This would make it much easier to find them or have them separate from the images with endorsements.


Also, this is pretty big, but I was thinking for the Top Images section, maybe it could have sort of a twist to it.


So what if instead images were sort of rotated or featured by the number of endorsements? Like you have the section of images with 200 endorsements, 100, 90, 80, 70, all the way down to the single digits. And you had those images in those divisions that were rotated around on display (kind of like a slideshow) so you would see many images from different authors being featured. I suppose that maybe it would encourage more people to comment or branch out to all of the different users here since so many people would have a chance to have their name out there.


It might be sort of a crazy idea, but it's a thought I wanted to put out there.


I don't want it to seem like a competition, I've never really looked at it that way. I think of it more as a medium for us to:


1. Associate with each other, communicate.


2. Encourage each other, sort of goes with the above.


3. Give feedback, if an image isn't being well received, maybe give constructive feedback as to why it's not well received. Also, how it can improve as well.


4. When we're doing really awesome, it shows. Like hey, that guy really improved on that set, or she did really well here on execution/dialogue/etc. These situations deserve a lot of recognition.


Also, for those submitting shots, or for the modders. Keep doing with you're doing. If it doesn't look like many people are recognizing you, like you're not getting many endorsements/comments, keep at it. There's a lot of reasons for that, but the main thing is to keep at it. Never give up on yourself and just keep striving to improve, look back on your previous work to see how far you've come. I can instantly recognize improvement from so many people here by looking back on their oldest work.

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I would like to see the imageshares main page broken up into minutely more specific sections.


I read earlier this month (in chat) that the nexus sites will no longer be allowing users to post extra images in the description section of the page (due to bandwidth concerns). However, this seems like it may be taken the wrong way by some of the users here that enjoy telling stories in that manner. If we could add a "stories" section to the front page of the image share, similar to the categories page for files, I think it would help some of the irritation that can be somewhat common.


Personally, I am a character artist, and while I enjoy looking through the stories and screenshots pumped full of post proc shaders; I would like to really be able to tell the image share, "I want to look at new models", without going back in time to the top images and looking through Millenias guns.


At the same time, I'm sure there are users that really don't care about new models until they have been integrated into the game, and released. Choosing a category would allow them to circumvent that.


Not too mention, setting up the imageshare between categories, while retaining a wholly encompassing "new images", would allow those of us who aren't in the mood to read a story(or vice versa) to quickly find what we want to see, or have the option to simply browse all the images with no hassle.

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I would like to see the imageshares main page broken up into minutely more specific sections.


I read earlier this month (in chat) that the nexus sites will no longer be allowing users to post extra images in the description section of the page (due to bandwidth concerns). However, this seems like it may be taken the wrong way by some of the users here that enjoy telling stories in that manner. If we could add a "stories" section to the front page of the image share, similar to the categories page for files, I think it would help some of the irritation that can be somewhat common.


Personally, I am a character artist, and while I enjoy looking through the stories and screenshots pumped full of post proc shaders; I would like to really be able to tell the image share, "I want to look at new models", without going back in time to the top images and looking through Millenias guns.


At the same time, I'm sure there are users that really don't care about new models until they have been integrated into the game, and released. Choosing a category would allow them to circumvent that.


Not too mention, setting up the imageshare between categories, while retaining a wholly encompassing "new images", would allow those of us who aren't in the mood to read a story(or vice versa) to quickly find what we want to see, or have the option to simply browse all the images with no hassle.


I do like the idea of breaking up the imageshare, at the moment it's a bit of a mess with all sorts lumped together, yes there are categories but story uploads or uploads with multiple images don't always fit into one thing or the other. Maybe only allow story sections to have embedded images? the images themselves if hosted elsewhere don't use this sites bandwidth, a large number however can cause issues for those with limited bandwidth, a crap connection or mobile devices. If embedding was restricted to one or two categories people could avoid pages that might be problematic for them.

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I would like to see the imageshares main page broken up into minutely more specific sections.


I read earlier this month (in chat) that the nexus sites will no longer be allowing users to post extra images in the description section of the page (due to bandwidth concerns). However, this seems like it may be taken the wrong way by some of the users here that enjoy telling stories in that manner. If we could add a "stories" section to the front page of the image share, similar to the categories page for files, I think it would help some of the irritation that can be somewhat common.


Personally, I am a character artist, and while I enjoy looking through the stories and screenshots pumped full of post proc shaders; I would like to really be able to tell the image share, "I want to look at new models", without going back in time to the top images and looking through Millenias guns.


At the same time, I'm sure there are users that really don't care about new models until they have been integrated into the game, and released. Choosing a category would allow them to circumvent that.


Not too mention, setting up the imageshare between categories, while retaining a wholly encompassing "new images", would allow those of us who aren't in the mood to read a story(or vice versa) to quickly find what we want to see, or have the option to simply browse all the images with no hassle.




I would like to see the imageshares main page broken up into minutely more specific sections.


I read earlier this month (in chat) that the nexus sites will no longer be allowing users to post extra images in the description section of the page (due to bandwidth concerns). However, this seems like it may be taken the wrong way by some of the users here that enjoy telling stories in that manner. If we could add a "stories" section to the front page of the image share, similar to the categories page for files, I think it would help some of the irritation that can be somewhat common.


Personally, I am a character artist, and while I enjoy looking through the stories and screenshots pumped full of post proc shaders; I would like to really be able to tell the image share, "I want to look at new models", without going back in time to the top images and looking through Millenias guns.


At the same time, I'm sure there are users that really don't care about new models until they have been integrated into the game, and released. Choosing a category would allow them to circumvent that.


Not too mention, setting up the imageshare between categories, while retaining a wholly encompassing "new images", would allow those of us who aren't in the mood to read a story(or vice versa) to quickly find what we want to see, or have the option to simply browse all the images with no hassle.


I do like the idea of breaking up the imageshare, at the moment it's a bit of a mess with all sorts lumped together, yes there are categories but story uploads or uploads with multiple images don't always fit into one thing or the other. Maybe only allow story sections to have embedded images? the images themselves if hosted elsewhere don't use this sites bandwidth, a large number however can cause issues for those with limited bandwidth, a crap connection or mobile devices. If embedding was restricted to one or two categories people could avoid pages that might be problematic for them.



Interesting suggesting, that seems like a fair option as well.

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