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Climbing mod


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Hello everyone. First off id like to say thanks to nexus for having this excellent portal for us all to connect in. Id also like to say thanks to all the modders and texturers for their cool work, they bring the game back to life over and over again. I am new to the forums so I hope Im in the right place to post this. I really enjoy the stealth aspect in the game, sniping from high ground at your enemies saves on stims lol. The one thing that keeps nagging in the back of my mind is, why cant you climb rocks or feasable objects ingame? Many times ive seen areas that would be perfect as a perch, or a stealthier way to take 'em by suprise so to speak. Would it be possible to create a mod that will allow you to climb? Im not saying i wanna be spiderman, but in reality climbing is possible. Maybe a snipers quest or two, hired like mercs to take out whoever, that hangs out in a few certain locations, so its not so cut and dried for you, you would have to search for your prey as well to a certain extent. Anyways they are just a couple of thoughts for anyone who might think that could be fun to make or whatever =]

Have a great day all, and thanks again for all your time and effort. Watch the north!!

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