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dragonborn worship


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So in this mod, after you defeat Miraak from the Dragonborn DLC, the cultists realize that you are the superior Dragonborn, and start to worship you instead. The player can become their leader, after doing this the player can choose what the cultists will wear and Miraak's temple will become a player owned home. This will obviously require the Dragonborn DLC.


Another cool idea is that instead of using Miraak's temple, the player can build his or her own temple. This would require the Hearthfire DLC. ( I would prefer that building your own temple be an optional file, so that people who don't have Hearthfire can still get this mod.)


If you decide to make this mod please tell me so in the comments.




Thank you

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While having Hearthfires would be easier, it wouldn't be required to build a building from scratch (or even to just extend one). You could use any activator resource (or static resource) for the table you use to get the plans and the rest is just enabling and disabling stuff. There are other ways to do it that wouldn't require any table for the plans at all. Lots of mods do that. Anyway, I can do scripting and stuff, but this would require dialogue and quest editing. I'm not very confident in those areas, so I don't want to say I'll do this when I probably won't be able to. I just wanted to point out Hearthfires wouldn't be required.

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