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How do I fix this?


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Hi, I just started with this modding stuff like a day ago so I'm still kinda getting used to how the CS works.


Anyway I have added my own building on a cell with some free space and created it's interior which both work as they should. But when I was trying to make a second room for the interior, I forgot to make a duplicate and I emptied a room from the Arcane university and saved it (stupid, I know). Is there a way for me to extract my exterior and interior I made into a new mod file so I can get rid of the one that empties the Arcane University room and still keep my work? Or even a way to revert it?


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Duplicate the cell you made, rename it, save it. Then open the ESP in TES Gecko and delete all entries that affect the original cell, and save it. Now the original room is the way it was originally, and your copy still exists.
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