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Minimal blood splatters mod?


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I've had some more realistic and smaller blood splatter textures for a while and I've been trying to mod them into the game, but I have no clue how to make normal textures and specular maps and other stuff. Would anyone like to try modding these into the game? Also, first time requesting and using the forum, how would I even add my files? Theres only 6 splatters. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mXYvDkygkm79uCU7n4TjsgiRNuJ_sjig?usp=sharing

Edited by ofrano
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I've had some more realistic and smaller blood splatter textures for a while and I've been trying to mod them into the game, but I have no clue how to make normal textures and specular maps and other stuff. Would anyone like to try modding these into the game? Also, first time requesting and using the forum, how would I even add my files? Theres only 6 splatters. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mXYvDkygkm79uCU7n4TjsgiRNuJ_sjig?usp=sharing

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I've had some more realistic and smaller blood splatter textures for a while and I've been trying to mod them into the game, but I have no clue how to make normal textures and specular maps and other stuff. Would anyone like to try modding these into the game? Also, first time requesting and using the forum, how would I even add my files? Theres only 6 splatters. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mXYvDkygkm79uCU7n4TjsgiRNuJ_sjig?usp=sharing

You still able to help?




P.S.: the 'quote' button is below each post, not at the top ;)

Edited by RoNin1971
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Ok, so, did you ever have a look at the original textures?

there are a few and this one will only replace one of those. The (decal) bloodsplatter01 ( & variants)


It contains 4 "groups" of splatter, but your image has 6. Which do you wish to use?

I've updated the drive, I have the 4 splatters in there I want, I've combined some of them a little so they go together better, I think, please do whatever you want with these, I would love to see how they look in game :O

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