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Essential Followers to stay dead longer ..?


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Been looking around online and here for a mod which will increase the duration that my essential followers will stay dead for. By dead I mean when their HP is 0 and they take on a crouching stance. I'd like to increase it to a few minutes or so.

Will add more realism to fights without having them die indefinitely.


Perhaps I'd be able to change this simply but I don't know how.




Edited by ahntawn
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They're not dead, they're in bleedout state (I realize you know they're not "dead", I'm just letting you know the term). The term is important because that's how you find it in the creation kit or google. There doesn't seem to be any mod which makes it take longer, but Amazing Follower Tweaks has the ability to disable the regeneration entirely while in combat. They'll only revive once combat is over. Would that work? If not, you could try changing the default values for the game settings:

fBleedoutCheck: 1.000000

fBleedoutDefault: 0.150000

fBleedoutMin: 5.000000

fBleedoutRate: 15.000000

fBleedoutRecover: 0.050000

fCombatDialogueBleedoutDistanceMult: 0.750000

fCombatDialogueBleedOutMaxElapsedTime: 5.000000

fCombatDialogueBleedOutMinElapsedTime: 1.000000

fCombatPlayerBleedoutHealthDamageMult: 0.000000


Those are all the game settings directly related to bleedout. You can change them in-game by opening the console and typing "setgs SettingName #". I'd focus on the fBleedoutRate (lower it), the fCombatDialogueBleedOutMaxElapsedTime (raise it), and fBleedoutRecover (raise and lower, not sure). When you find a set of values that work for you (if they even do anything), open the CK with only Skyrim and maybe Update, change those same settings in the menu Gameplay>Settings to the values you found. Save it as a mod and activate it in your game. This is important only because when you exit the game, those settings are reset to their defaults. Saving them in your own mod will make them work every time the game loads.

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