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Warhammer 40k total conversion


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Alrite, i'm sure all of you have noticed the outstanding Warhammer 40k power armour sets being modded by the talented cerberos008 and hes been doing conversions making the Brotherhood into marines, and the Enclave into Chaos marines, etc etc.


My idea is to just go to hell with Fallout (as much as i love the game) and make it into a 40 planet, with different races and factions vying for power. For instance, making civilians into Imperial guard (sorta makes sense of the way they're just trying to get by, surviving rather then fighting without their invaluable armoured core).


As much as i like the idea of the Enclave becoming Chaos marines, was thinking they would fit the secrative eldar race.


Super mutants would clearly be Orc Nobs, with the Centaurs remodeled into Gnasher Squigs


I have been thinking about Feral Ghouls alot, and i think they'd make awsome Genestealers. Cept i kinda think that the Deathclaws would make better stealers. Tough, Brutal and ultimatly an almost fatal encounter.


Brotherhood of Steel would clearly be space marines, (i dont think anyones arguing that)


The Outcasts could be Chaos marines


The people of oasis would be cool if they would be Imperial assassins in training. (would like my character to get a Vindicare suit)


The cars and busses could be varius tanks and other warhammer vehicles that have become immobile, but mainly are to enhance the feel of the warhammer universe.


Raiders (being the commonest enemy) took alot of thought. What sort of race would attack a human on sight. In the end i lean towards cultists of some type, either Genestealer or Chaos cultists. I also thought that giving them a bit of varience like making them Tau might be an idea. But the bulk of them tend to charge you with improvised hand to hand weapons such as knives and wooden sticks with nails through them. The Tau are a well prepaired militaristic race, who strongly rely on their weapons with superior range and wouldnt be caught dead charging down someone with a fruit knife they just happened to have on their person.


Alternativly they would fit the persona of the Dark Eldar who relish the thought of getting in close to their enemies. But as i am an old school player of Warhammer 40k (happly retired from the game i might add) i am read up on the Lore and refuse to acknowledge they exist.


I hate myself for saying it, but they WOULD fit the denizens of Paradice falls, trading slaves etc.


Would also be a thrill if there was some scripting that increased the encounters in the wastes. Like strolling along and finding a squad of marines, locked in bitter conflict with the hated orks. Or a squad of Imperial guard being cut down by a swarm of Genestealers, only to have Eldar take advantage of the fighting to kill two groups of their hated enemies in their weakened state.


Anyone else think this would be fun? Of course, any suggestions would be appreciated. I enjoy discussing my ideas.

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How rediculous is it that we posted this at pretty much the EXACT same time lol. I even lurked for a few days searching posts for anything about a conversion to avoid looking noobish. and as for the mod it wouldnt be too hard. I mean most all the armor and weapons are already finished. I would love to see it start coming together, if I had ANY skills what-so-ever with modding I would have done it myself. Unfortunatly all my skills are vested in Flash and Photoshop.
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Ok, you two obviously don't have the slightest clue of how complex can a total conversion get.

There's not nearly enough WH40k stuff made for fallout 3 to even consider the idea to make a TC.


Summing Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout, i can't recall a single successful TC project. They take YEARS to make, and people have lives.


TC's are a pain to make and troubleshoot. And take enormous amount of time, so please, please, dont ask for them. Makes you look like an ignorant newbie.

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..... right... so WE look like idiots for wanting something?..isnt that the whole reason this section of the forum is here? dont want to feed the troll or anything, but unless either of us were speaking directly to you and demanding a TC.... shove off. Now for anyone else that would like to help out with meshing already made mods into a grand "conversion" I know I would do anything I could to help.
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1) requesting outside of what's realistic in the short term will get you an absolute nothing:

- If a modder or a group thereof was already thinking on doing such a large scale project, or already on development, he won't come and say "yah, i'm working on it, wait for it, i'll release it juuuust in about 6-30 months". He'll just say nothing.

- If a modder isn't working in such a project he won't throw away w/e he's doing at the moment for something that will eat a year or two of his life.


2) we get 4-5 total conversion requests a week, guess how many has been done? (0). With that in mind, guess what are the chances of being taken seriously?


3) "I know I would do anything I could to help" <-- this is entirely different from a request. If you're honest about it then either start the project and start integrating what is already done, and once you have a decent visible headstart, try getting more hands and brains for the task, or contact the ones that have done/are doing the armors/weapons and offer your help.

Either way, the request thread serves no purpose whatsoever.

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your wrong! The perpose it serves it to vent my thoughts. I honestly dont care if anyone decides to pick this up. Its not gonna affect me if nobody does, i just think it would be cool. I use these forums for throwing ideas out there, cos if i keep them to myself, then i know for a fact nothing is going to happen. At least this way i unburden myself a little.


Alot of my requests in the past have been completely outlandish and insanely complicated, nay impossible to make eg- Madcats and other mechs to stomp around the wastes causing havoc. Doesnt stop me wanting to tell people my thoughts on it.


I hate people like you who just come on to request forums to just shoot down ideas that some find as much pleasure in talking about, as actually playing. True, i dont know how complicated TC can be, cos i'm not a modder, but you gotta keep an open mind, that someone, somewhere may be sad enough to like what i have to say and might have found a project inbetween his other pursuits of working part time behind a customer support desk and masterbating to freaky ass hentai.

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Just ignore him... if he wants to piss on my parade im just gonna open an umbrella and keep on keeping on. I found a TC mod for 40k in the works, but they refuse to use anyone elses work. looks promising but with the quality of the mods out it would be FAR better to just get permission and jam em all together. I know its not as easy as just "jamming" things together, but like he said im just a newbie who doesnt know anything from anything else.


Here's the link: Shattered Lineage

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In my opinion a Wh40k TC just wouldn't be worth it, at least not if it's going to be a Medusa V'esk hodge podge of all the 40k races in the same place, "just because".


Besides the fact that such a thing would be fluff retardation (just like Medusa V, and Dawn of War Dark Crusade / Soulstorm), there is also the fact that it would require far too much work, that would take far too long to do (most TC projects falter because they take too long too make, and people go off to play newer games - gamers are fickle).


This isn't to say a TC isn't possible, because it is kind of, just not on the scale that is being thrown out there.


Now as I've said before in an older thread, this is an idea I could see working.



An important Imperial World that uses a heavy proportion of mutant slave labour revolts against the Imperium (the mutants* revolting against their Imperial opressors). The Inquisition Ordo Hereticus leads the campaign against the revolt with the Imperial Guard doing the grunt work, there is also allied Space Marines performing specialist missions.


Behind the scenes the revolt could have been stirred up by the forces of Chaos seeking to summon a large Daemon army**.



* = Note first this is not me suggesting a Necromunda TC, this is me pointing out similarities between 40k canon mutants (of which Necromunda Scavvies are some of the best known examples) and Fallout 3 unit types.


1. We have Super Mutants who are just like Necromunda Scavvy Scalies (just need a new texture).


2. We have Ghouls who are just like Necromunda Scavvy Plague Zombies (whether in Feral or standard form - though standard Ghouls could also work as mutant variations).


3. We have Troggs (from The Pitt) who are just like Necromunda Scavvy Ghouls.


4. We have the Diseased Human races (also from The Pitt) who are just like Necromunda Scavvy Scavies.


5. We have the Raider races who'd make perfect conscripted gangers, mercs or cultists.



** =

1. Re-texed Deathclaws.

2. Floaters.

3. Wanamingos.

4. Re-texed Yao Guai.

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