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New to Fallout 4, Mods inquiry.


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Hi guys. I've been modding Bethesda games since Oblivion, and have made quite a few of my own which I never published, so I am not new to modding. However, After playing a lot of hours on Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I ditched the Fallout series for Skyrim. Well, I've owned this game fo at least 4-5 years now, and am just getting around to playing it through. So I was wondering what mods you guys might recommend.


Are there any must have performance mods I must have? I'm always interested in mods which add extra lands and locations to explore.


So far I've mostly installed eye candy mods, the MCM, and a few that add armors, hair doos, etc...I'm not trying to stray too far from Vanilla gameplay until I know what changes I would wat to make. If you recommend a mod that changes vanilla missions or game balance, please explain why I would want to.


Also, I'm very interested in Slim Settlements 2 but have been reading very recent issues with it, just wondering your opinions on that.

Edited by yarddogg
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to start, 2 must have mods, for performance are:


Performance Mods



1. Buffout 4 - mainly for its abiity to warn on potentional major mod issues (essentially issues that would cause a CTD) and more importantly, its ability to create crash logs, so that the user can determine what mod caused their game to crash and also could use that crash log to get help from others (ie the mod page's own post section) - (either way the crash log it creates is absolutely essential) - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47359


2. Previsibines Repair Pack - Absolute must have. broken previs combines are the number 1 cause for severe frame rate drops - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403


Note: Buffout 4, will require additional files, and F4SE (Fallout 4 Script Extender) you can find out what it needs via clicking on the *Mod Requirements* on main description page for the mod in question



as for sim settlements, this mod is highly maintained by several people, who know what they are doing, as such issues are typically user error, they are quite heavy weight as far as mods goes, as such will require a decent amount of work on the user's end to getting them to run optimally, such as having a good mod setup (essentially a mod setup that does not consist of loads of script heavy mods) - (heavy weight as in resource intensive)


few other mods i strongly recommend, as they bring fallout 4, to more modern standards:


User Interface Mods



Fallui - A Very nice User interface, and especially nice, as you can make the fallout 4 user interface very similar to fallout 3 - new vegas, as such should be very nice for you coming from them games, and feeling right at home with fallout 4


FallUI - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51813


FallUI Inventory - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48758


FallUI - Fallout 3 Hud - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52549


Fallui Sorter - (a Nice Sorting mod all connected to main Fallui - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/60580


Fallout 4 Wheel Menu - (A Nice more modern way of using Quickslots - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36706


DefUI - (Required for Fallout 4 Wheel Menu, Usage - just use defaults, as we are using Fallui Sorting for tags) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654


Modernized Fallout 4 Wheel Menu Replacer - (Adds Cool Visual Icons for Fallout 4 Wheel Menu) - Download the Optional File - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44985?tab=files


Kill Tips and Hit Sounds - Makes fallout 4 feel more like Cod, thus more modern - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41557




if you like character customization then these 3 are a must have (far more indepth Character Customization):


Character Customization Mods





and for nostalgia, their is a several mods and mod authors who have faithfully remade from scratch several goodies from fallout 3 and new vegas into Fallout 4


Fallout 3/ New Vegas Goodies into Fallout 4



Wasteland Imports (Alot of Goodies from 3 and New Vegas Remade for Fallout 4): https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3793


The Fried Turkey Profile - (Alot of Creatures, Outfits and the Like from 3 and New Vegas - Remade from Scratch for Fallout 4) - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/43225942?tab=user+files


Deadpool2099 Profile - A lot of Guns from 3 and New Vegas - Remade from Scratch for Fallout 4 - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/11550578?tab=user+files


Chinese Stealth Suit from Fallout 3 Returns in Fallout 4: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20959


NCR Veteran Ranger Armor from New Vegas Returns in Fallout 4: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9034




if you want more recommendations, let us know what type of mods your looking for, then i would be happy to recommend.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Thanks, those are very good recommendations. I noticed right away that the settlement containers don't seem to share what I put in them. I got the first set of power armor, then took it to the Rocket mart, and threw them in the Power Armor hoist container. Then I went back to the first town with the Minute man after the fight with the death claw. I noticed I would have to go all the way to Rocket mart to get the power armor and modify it. Is there any mod to make all the differetn work benches share the resources I put in them? It's one cheat i wouldn't mind using.

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Okay, so I installed all of those user interface mods and am all of a sudden feeling like a noob. When Vortex prompts me to choose which files to load first i am at a loss. I clicked on recommended but it doesn't make sense. Why would i want Def_Framework to load before HudFramework, FalloutUI_ Hud, and FalloutUI_Inventory? I'm going to try recommended for all of it, but would appreciate some advice.


I was installing Def-Framework because Slim Settlements 2 requires it. Did I mess up?

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I've been having some issues. I couldn't get the weapon circle mod to play nice with the other mods and couldn't figure out how to put items in the weapon circle so I ditched it. The rest seemed to be working fine and I was playing with Slim Settlements 2. I thought, well, things are wormking so I'm gonna start a fresh game and really get into it. So I restarted, we ran to the vault, and then everyone dropped to there death in the vault elevator. Respawned, ran to the vault again, and the same thing happenned, there are a couple mods I removed which could have left loose files bhind, or maybe It's because I had a few mods activated in MCM before I started? Not sure what went wrong but I'm doing a fresh install now. There were also some missing walls inside interiors. Something is wrong, hopefully I can fix it. I really didn;t have many mods, but I'm new to modding this game, so I guess I'll figure it out.

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i was not aware that sim settlements 2 requires Def_UI ? (i personally use sim settlements 1, and that is because i am running, Sim Settlements Conqueror, which likewise requires it) as such i dont remeber sim settlements 1 require Def_Ui, although having said that, i have used Def_Ui all this time, until recently when i returned back to fallout 4, and found out about FallUi and as i really liked it, i decided to go for it instead, however likewise i also found the wheel menu replacer and likewise made me want to get wheel menu again, as that wheel menu replacer looks very cool, and really modernizes fallout.


Fallout 4 Wheel Menu Requires Def_UI, so it was listed,


essentially, i have setup my NMM (yep still using the OG Nexus mod manager, because it works perfectly for me, and i have been using it since 2012 through many updates) but ye im using my own personalized categories, these catergories are in an optimal load order setup, including which mods to install first, and in order. Framework + master files get installed first.


the way i would and have installed them without issues is as follows: (install in order as listed)





Hudframework <- install first.




Fall UI - and all mods related to it, suggest installing hud first, then its requirements, such as icons, map, etc etc, allow it to overwrite everything if prompted (this is what we will be using for all of our User Interface, Inventory and Sorting Needs)


Fis - Sorting mod - (from the Same Author as Fall UI)


Fallout 4 Wheel Menu


Toounx's Wheel Menu Replacer (which would be that optional file i linked)


for Def_Ui it is only installed because it is a requirement for Wheel Menu to function. ALL FallUI mods covers everything that Def_UI would cover, so if Fallui asks to replace any file then grant it. FallUI also overrides Def_Ui if granted, which is what we want.


so if running Fall UI and its mods, then to install Def_UI is as Follows


Install Def_UI - (Choose, Tick only 1 box - DEF HUD only, next, Leave both options on Default (do not install component tags, and use Vanilla Hud, lastly no Sorting mod.)


now dont let it overwrite anything all FallUI mods listed cover everything.



so here is all the FallUI mods you will need, for the full experience


Fall UI





so ye grab all of them, now for Wheel Menu, essentially, All items you favorite in your inventory, will appear in Wheel Menu, as said, Wheel Menu is essentially a far better Quickslot (quick faves) option. (although quickfaves still work)


so you set a Hotkey for Wheel Menu in the MCM menu


which also means you do need MCM menu, which i completely forgot to list, especially as a lot of mods will require it, and it really is a must have anyway if applicable.


MCM - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21497


also recommend this as well to go with it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56195


second 1 will save settings that you create in the MCM, which is very nice, as if you start new games often / new characters, then you can load all of your settings in MCM for them, without having to set all the mods settings up again.


also just in general, always check the *Mod Requirements* on *Main Description* page for any mod it may require.


For Buffout 4, you also need https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33946 <-- which needs to be placed in Fallout 4 Root Folder.


if the game does not launch with that preloader in root folder, then open:


xSE PluginPreloader.xml file - search for: <LoadMethod Name="ImportAddressHook"> Change To <LoadMethod Name="OnThreadAttach"> save the xml, then the game should start launching again.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Thanks, those are very good recommendations. I noticed right away that the settlement containers don't seem to share what I put in them. I got the first set of power armor, then took it to the Rocket mart, and threw them in the Power Armor hoist container. Then I went back to the first town with the Minute man after the fight with the death claw. I noticed I would have to go all the way to Rocket mart to get the power armor and modify it. Is there any mod to make all the differetn work benches share the resources I put in them? It's one cheat i wouldn't mind using.

No mod or cheat required.

You need to setup supply lines. (assigning a settler to a supply line at one settlement to transfer 'supplies' to another (you choose one)

Connect all your settlements this way and they will share all resources. (but, yeah, you need settlers first to do that)

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Thanks, those are very good recommendations. I noticed right away that the settlement containers don't seem to share what I put in them. I got the first set of power armor, then took it to the Rocket mart, and threw them in the Power Armor hoist container. Then I went back to the first town with the Minute man after the fight with the death claw. I noticed I would have to go all the way to Rocket mart to get the power armor and modify it. Is there any mod to make all the differetn work benches share the resources I put in them? It's one cheat i wouldn't mind using.


You would want GLOBAL STASH to connect all workSHOP and workBENCH inventories, but, it may have issues with SS2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. I've been playing through a lot lately. Everything seems to be working well. The only trouble I'm having is finding a good scrapping mod. I like to be able to clean up trash and clutter. I can't believe Bethesda didn't think of that. I've been using scrap everything, but it's buggy, So now I'm lookling at Immersive Scrapping and Tidy up, even though they haven't been updated in a long time. I'm really not impressed with any of the city plans in Slim settlements 2. then again, those were probably made without a scrap it all mod. If you guys have any advice for a good scrap mod, I'd like to hear it.

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