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Clothing clipping issues, help wanted.


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Hello Nexus Community!

I hope this is the right section (wasn't sure whether I should post it in Troubleshooting or Mod Request). Sorry for bad english, it isn't my native language.



Recently I downloaded the Simple Knit - Mod from some japanese site and I wanted to replace the UNPC body with the UNP main body 'cause of a high amount of clipping issues with other UNP clothing pieces.

For this I used Nifskope and the replacing itself worked fine and even ingame it was worth the work but now I'm at some point where I need help.


Now I have some clipping issues with the Knit (picture below) but for fixing these I have to edit the meshes but I never worked with Blender or some similar program.




Both, the simpleknit.nif and the simpleknitshort.nif, have these clipping issues at the same place and I'm searching for someone who could fix it in Blender( / ... ) by cutting off the clipping body part or adapting the Knit. It would be really nice. :smile:


Note: The mod is only for private use: I won't create a site on the Nexus or anywhere else.

All credits go to Naiflan for the original Oblivion Simple Knit - Mod and the unknown japanese person who did the conversion to Skyrim.


I hope I can post the download link to the meshes:



And since I think everyone in the internet should provide a virusscan:



Thanks for any help!




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It is tedious work, but you can use NifSkope to make minor adjustments to the specific vertex points that are clipping thru. The hard part is in finding which points as you cannot click on them in the render window, you have to scroll thru the entire list of vertices and watch the little points get highlighted. Then you have to figure out how much to shift the points by. Whether you are pulling the top layer over or pushing the bottom layer in...

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