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Menu Based Picklock


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I've seen this posted on the main download site, and I have it, and am looking through the thing to see if I could mod the code to my liking, but.... :whistling:


I was hoping someone could do it faster.. :thanks:


I have no scripting skill what so ever, and am just getting my head around this mod thing. :wallbash:



What I want is a menu based Lockpick system that when I click a locked item, first it checks the level of the lock against my skill, and if I do not have the skill to try will pop up and say so, with an OK click to get out of the menu.


If I do have the skill the menu will ask if I want to Force, Manually Pick, or Auto Pick. Force is the existing vanilla force procedure. Manual Pick will open the mini game as Vanilla. Auto Pick will Pick the lock for me, but a random number of Bobby Pins will be used up, and removed from my inventory( from 0 to 5 ) based on the skill to lock level. Very Easy taking no Picks, and Very Hard taking at most 5.


Normally when I come to a very hard lock, I quick save, and if I go through too many picks, 5 being too many for me, I reload, and try again. Thats where I got that number.


I'd also like to see someone take on hacking the same way, but not eat bobby pins..


The menus would do nothing to in anyway alter the difficulty of the game, just reduce the time it takes to pick a lock, or hack a terminal, as there is the quick save reload technique to get around any screw ups.

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Yes, I am looking over the guys code, but I don't like it, it is a Random chance to pick, even if you have the skill to open it, and you as a person could open it with a few tries manually.


The guys mod just checked your skill compared it to the level of the lock and made a roll of the dice weighted to your skill. You could not pick the lock at all, or pick it the first time. What I want is a menu based that picks it every time, but takes bobby pins instead of your time when your skill versus level is lower than the max level of the lock.


Say the level of the lock is 75, and you have 80 skill, you would always pick the lock even if you had to use the quick save reload technique if you broke the lock. The only variable is how many picks it will take to get it done.

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