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Wyre Bash...help...


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I can't figure out how to lift the mod limit in Wyre Bash if there even is a way to do it. I have 255 mods active and want to activate more, but Wyre keeps stopping it. I know I could use OBMM to do it, but I've gotten used to using Bash because it seems more mod-friendly then OBMM. Any way to go over the 255 limit and still use Bash?
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I can't figure out how to lift the mod limit in Wyre Bash if there even is a way to do it. I have 255 mods active and want to activate more, but Wyre keeps stopping it. I know I could use OBMM to do it, but I've gotten used to using Bash because it seems more mod-friendly then OBMM. Any way to go over the 255 limit and still use Bash?


The first two digits of every mod asset are defined by load order. These two digits are, in fact a hexadecimal (base 16) number. The maximum size a two digit hex number can be is "FF", this translates into the number 256 (decimal, or base 10).


This means that 255 mods (n-1) is the maximum number of mods that can be used.


Any increase in that number could only be accomplished by either combining some mods into a single mod, or rewriting the game engine. Which is not going to happen!


In other words, you can't activate more than 255 mods.



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FF is 255. Then, you think the limit is 256(00~FF), but actually, the limit is 254. 00 is for Oblivion.esm, and FF is for any object generated/spawned in-game.


I think we're saying the same thing. Obviously Oblivion.esm = 00 (the first mod, or address). FF (HEX)= 256 Decimal, translated to decimal. 00-FF = 256 unique addresses. It's a matter of syntax.

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Well, how would I go about combining the mods? I've merged all of the ones that were marked mergeable.
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