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[LE] Advanced Scripting help, please?


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Topic Infos contain script fragments. Those are specialized functions. The Creation Kit automatically creates a master script that contains all the topic info fragments across the entire quest and places it on the quest record itself. Thus, in your topic info you will need to first ensure that the script exists. To do this, place a semi-colon (;) and compile. Then go to the property window for that fragment and add the property that will point to your NPC. After that you can enter your version of the two example lines I posted earlier. Then finally compile again and test it out.


You may need to remove whatever you attempted to do or load up a backup.


FYI - The Creation Kit does create backups. They will be in the Backup folder. Listed with the following naming scheme: PluginName.PluginExtension.Backup#.bak

Move the current plugin version out of the Data folder, copy the backup into the data folder, remove the backup # and the BAK extension. Use the Creation Kit to load up the backup.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Topic Infos contain script fragments. Those are specialized functions. The Creation Kit automatically creates a master script that contains all the topic info fragments across the entire quest and places it on the quest record itself. Thus, in your topic info you will need to first ensure that the script exists. To do this, place a semi-colon ( :wink: and compile. Then go to the property window for that fragment and add the property that will point to your NPC. After that you can enter your version of the two example lines I posted earlier. Then finally compile again and test it out.


You may need to remove whatever you attempted to do or load up a backup.


FYI - The Creation Kit does create backups. They will be in the Backup folder. Listed with the following naming scheme: PluginName.PluginExtension.Backup#.bak

Move the current plugin version out of the Data folder, copy the backup into the data folder, remove the backup # and the BAK extension. Use the Creation Kit to load up the backup.

Is there a way to get into the master script and remove it? It was a QF script. Also, the back ups won't work since I already saved through all of them.


EDIT: Might just have to turn her into a basic boss. Just kill on sight and all that, write down her intentions in a journal....bleh.

Edited by wilwhitt56
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You can edit the "master script" directly or go to the fragment in question on the record in question and remove the errant code. In either case, it will need to be recompiled.


Look at the quest record and see what scripts are attached to it.

The fragment script will have the following naming scheme:



Some fragment script name examples from the game:

These two types both hold perk fragments and are attached to perk records. Not many use the PRKF identifier and the ones that do are associated with DLC



This type holds stage fragments and is attached to quest records


This type holds scene fragments and is attached to scene records


This type hold topic info fragments and is attached to topic info records



NOTE: In the Creation Kit Topic Infos and Scenes are both accessible through an associated quest record which led me to initially think they would be attached to the quest record. However, in confirming information for this post, these are not on the quest record but rather on separate record types as already mentioned in this post. You can access these record types individually without jumping through the quest record within TES5Edit or SSEEdit (whichever you need to use for your game)


It should be noted that many objects, quests included, once loaded by the game and stored in the save file will not have new changes made in the Creation Kit take effect without starting a new game. Yes, there are some changes that will be reflected in an existing game (mesh change, texture change, certain specific script changes). However, more will not show than will, and to this end, it is imperative that all changes are tested on a new game or save file that has not seen the mod in question at all (in most cases a COC from the main menu to a nearby cell should be sufficient).

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You can edit the "master script" directly or go to the fragment in question on the record in question and remove the errant code. In either case, it will need to be recompiled.


Look at the quest record and see what scripts are attached to it.

The fragment script will have the following naming scheme:



Some fragment script name examples from the game:

These two types both hold perk fragments and are attached to perk records. Not many use the PRKF identifier and the ones that do are associated with DLC



This type holds stage fragments and is attached to quest records


This type holds scene fragments and is attached to scene records


This type hold topic info fragments and is attached to topic info records



NOTE: In the Creation Kit Topic Infos and Scenes are both accessible through an associated quest record which led me to initially think they would be attached to the quest record. However, in confirming information for this post, these are not on the quest record but rather on separate record types as already mentioned in this post. You can access these record types individually without jumping through the quest record within TES5Edit or SSEEdit (whichever you need to use for your game)


It should be noted that many objects, quests included, once loaded by the game and stored in the save file will not have new changes made in the Creation Kit take effect without starting a new game. Yes, there are some changes that will be reflected in an existing game (mesh change, texture change, certain specific script changes). However, more will not show than will, and to this end, it is imperative that all changes are tested on a new game or save file that has not seen the mod in question at all (in most cases a COC from the main menu to a nearby cell should be sufficient).

I'm new to using TES5Edit in this manner. I'm at the CGAlismaDialogue ( where I made my mistake) but I don't see the QF it made. I did remove the script when I realized I did it wrong, could it be somewhere else? Also, I do a new game every single time I check anything in-game, so I know that's not the problem.

Edited by wilwhitt56
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TES5Edit / SSEEdit has a script that can be ran that will locate records that utilize a specified script.

Right click in your plugin list, choose Apply Script, locate "Skyrim - Filter by script" and run it.

If prompted to enter a script name, enter the one that you are looking for.

With any luck, it will return whatever record has it attached.


Good luck.

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TES5Edit / SSEEdit has a script that can be ran that will locate records that utilize a specified script.

Right click in your plugin list, choose Apply Script, locate "Skyrim - Filter by script" and run it.

If prompted to enter a script name, enter the one that you are looking for.

With any luck, it will return whatever record has it attached.


Good luck.

It seems like it worked, but there's nothing showing up on the left side. Or anywhere.


Here's what it saying:


Done: Applying Filter, [Pass 1] Processed Records: 1402725, [Pass 2] Processed Records: 121499, Remaining unfiltered nodes: 0, Elapsed Time: 03:52
[04:07] Script terminated itself, Result=1
[04:07] Done: Applying script "Skyrim - Filter by script", Elapsed Time: 04:07
It's also saying that the treeview contents has been fossilized.
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You may have already successfully removed the script. Or the Creation Kit never added the script to begin with for some reason. *shrug*

Seems like it didn't affect the other NPC's, so that's good. I noticed something though. I found a Dialogue button in the Actor's list, and for some reason there's a dialogue connected to the Riften Guard that tries to shake you down? Could that be what's causing the issue?

Edited by wilwhitt56
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You may have already successfully removed the script. Or the Creation Kit never added the script to begin with for some reason. *shrug*

Seems like it didn't affect the other NPC's, so that's good. I noticed something though. I found a Dialogue button in the Actor's list, and for some reason it's connected to the Riften Guard that tries to shake you down? Could that be what's causing the issue?


Also, I think I figured out a death script for Alisma. It saved correctly, but it doesn't seem to be working. the script is connected to an XMarker which is connected to the door, a BG portal for effect, a sound file for collapsing stone, and multiple boulders all initially disabled. When she dies, all of them are suppose to re-enable. Do you see anything wrong with it?


Scriptname CGAlismaDeathScript extends Actor
ObjectReference Property CGCollapseFX Auto
Sound Property CGRockCollapseSND Auto
Event OnDying(Actor CGNPCAlisma)
Edited by wilwhitt56
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