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Player Legion home


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I need a bunker hideout for player with Legion allegiance.

Location-Cottonwood cove.Lots of storage and other stuff

The reason I am asking for this is that I'm doing a Legion playthrough and have

discovered that Legion player has no normal hideout in the Legion territory.

So the NCR killer teams won't bother me there.

This would be also useful for other people who play Legion I think.

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Interesting thought. what type of a "bunker" were you thinking off like an actual bunker, a cave, small little shack? Also what, if any equipment were you thinking off having inside the player home. And finally, were you imagining that the player home would be designed in the way the legion built/occupied to provide shelter to passing legion troops, or as a legion styled player home?

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Yeah that would be cool. And there is plenty of Legion paraphernalia to fill it up with. I can make some models. I made this for a very compact NCR themed home/office (pic);








it has a smaller, compact (but functioning) workbench and reloading bench, as well as a mounted Yao guai head(s).

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I mean a bunker with all the needed stuff inside.

Like this one:




Of course lots of storage place needed.

May be some backstory.Ah and the item sorter must have.


Auto-Doc,Infirmary,armory,reloading bench and work bench, crafting oven, well rested beds.

Companion friendly.

Edited by Rasputin258
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