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thought about "fluid" clothes


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it surprised me that no one has utilized this yet, either because you can't or people just don't want to, but it must be possible. I was just cave crawling and occasionally you will see parts of cloth just hanging off the wall, and I've known for ages that if you walk into it, it will react and move depending on where you touch it. Would it not be possible to give some clothing these same properties? it could really add to the realism of the game.
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Do you mean adding these properties to clothes being worn by a NPC/the player? I'm not sure whether that's possible. I'm no modeller, but the meshes would probably have to be havoc'd, and I don't think that can be done to the meshes that appear on NPCs/players when they equip clothing.
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It would probably be laggy too considered that the clothing would have the havoc effects constantly happening and on several NPCs and PCs all at once and in different places. You'd also need to give clothes their own skeleton


The hanging pieces of cloth have a simple skeleton and from what I can see, they only bend in the middle.

You only ever see one or two at a time and they usually just hang there and don't move until somebody touches it.

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There are a few modders who have had some success with fluid clothing. It can be done but I believe that each piece has to be rigged to the skeleton and animated separately. It would be a great addition to the game but when you think about the amount of clothing in the game, I doubt we will ever see it other than a few outfits for the PC.
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if i think your on about what im thinking then LHammonds had some success with a Cape Test for LPOTD ( Lost Paladins Of The Divines)


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i believe its something to do with the skeleton of the player i am not sure about it


Sword Devil

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that's the best we can get. Having clothign waving in the air like in some cinematic cut scene is not functional. It would eat the resources of your computer like a deadric warhammer smashes a mudcrab. yeah that's how would your computer fell.

p.s.:and the time spended to do such thing would be enorums.

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That's not the same

The cape is simply attached to the player skeleton


like i said i wasn't sure


Sword Devil

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Also would clip through the charcter like crazy, which is probably the reason it wasn't used by Bethesda. But it would be so cool.
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