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Torches and Sheathed Weapons


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Would it be at all possible for someone with experience modding the mechanics of the game for someone to make the game remember what you were using before you equipped a weapon?


Like say I am in a dark dungeon using a torch to look for something but need to use my bow to shoot something. Then when I sheathe the weapon have the torch automatically come back up?


It is getting to be the most annoying aspect of the game constantly going through the menu to re-equip a torch or a bow every time I change it. As soon as you equip a torch it un-equips the bow and vice versa the bow un-equips the torch making me constantly have to be switching to torch/bow in the menu.


Would be one of the most useful mods IMO if someone can make it work. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to make the game bring back your torch when you sheathe your bow / 2H weapon.

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No idea how to go about making a mod like that work, but you might try using the favorites menu. If you have SkyUI, even better. You can set them to numbers and then instead of unequipping the bow or torch, directly equip the one you one. Sorry I can't do what you're wanting, but at least it'd be a good alternative.

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