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[Mod Request] Allow Peter to Stealth Takedown from any walls and ceilings just like Miles


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This is one of the many great things that the stealth in The Amazing Spider-Man games had that this game is sorely missing for some strange reason is the ability to do Stealth Takedowns from any wall or ceiling. Insomniac clearly realized their mistake because they ended up adding this into the Miles Morales' game. So can somebody please take the assets from Miles Morales and apply it to Peter so Peter can do this too? Also Insomniac please add Double Stealth Takedowns too, just like TASM games.




And I DO NOT want to hear any of you people's nonsense about "game balancing" or "it would be too easy and make you too OP" literally GTFO with that BS. If you are one of those people, I heavily disagree with you and believe you are toxic and wrong, and your way of thinking is bad and makes games worse and less fun. I played the heck out of the TASM games and I know from experience that the stealth sections are "balanced" just fine, they are superior, had more variety and options, more stylish animations, and were much more fun and satisfying than Spiderman PS4's stealth sections. I'm not saying Spiderman PS4's stealth is bad, just that it is just lacking in comparison to the TASM games which had literally everything this games does plus more. I don't understand how Insomniac could look at the TASM games and say "Yeah we don't need that, let's just remove and not include these good, useful, satisfying and fun features for no reason". How does a rushed movie tie-in from 2012 have more and better stealth features AND DON'T FORGET ALL THE AWESOME ANIMATIONS than the new next-gen game that had much more care, budget and longer development time? I also DO NOT want to hear any form of hate about the TASM games. Just because they are rushed movie tie-ins does NOT make them bad. You would know how good they are if you actually played them and had an intelligent brain while doing so. Anyway rant over for now...

Edited by Ratzmoonmopes
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