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Does Morrowind even use modern GPUs at all?


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I recently got a new GPU. A GeForce RTX 3050. My old one had been quite a special fanless 4GB Geforce 1050Ti (I think).


My processor is a Core i7 6700T, and I have 32GB of fast RAM. I'm running Morrowind from an SSD.


I basically bought the new GPU exclusively for Morrowind, as I was hoping that it would help run it absolutely smooth as silk even with all the modern bells and whistles available through MGEXE.


Frankly, it hasn't made any noticeable difference at all. The fans on the GPU don't even switch on when playing Morrowind! Contrast with RDR2 (for example), where my computer is now pretty loud and gets very warm!


Does Morrowind (not OpenMW - don't want to use that as so many of my favourite mods are MWSE dependent) actually not make much use of modern GPUs? Have I upgraded from my perfectly good (and totally silent) GPU in vain?


Many thanks for any suggestions.


And yes, I do understand that OpenMW is definitely the way to go for performance on a modern system - but until I can replicate my current gameplay experience using OpenMW, no thank you.

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So I guess yes, I've rather wasted my money on this new GPU! I did find that I could run Morrowind (with a few MGEXE settings turned down and at lower resolution) on my far less powerful laptop with integrated GPU.


Shame. But hopefully OpenMW will soon have all the functionality of MWSE so modders can bring similar mods to it.

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