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Upgrading my PC, need modding advice!


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I have said multiple times, gaming PCs do not require more than 8GB of memory UNLESS you are doing video editing, photoshop, or 3D design or something along those lines.


Just out of curiosity, where do you think those mods you're talking about came from?



You don't need more than 8GB unless you intend on creating these mods yourself.



lol thank you, saved me from having to say that. XD I looked at that comment and was all like ... ummm ...O.o duh heck kinda question is that!?



If you are building mods ... then yaaaaa ... I would expect you to consider more than 8GB of RAM. I will say though it still isn't absolutely necessary. Does certainly help though in situations like that.


However, again ... we are not talking about someone who is building mods. We are talking about someone who is gaming. Which is the whole point I been trying to get across. Someone who is only looking for a gaming pc, doesn't need more than 8GB. Anymore, and you really are just wasting your money.


Edit: Stupid of me to decide and explain anyway. Well .. might as well. Question was asked, so answered it.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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16GB? Doesn't Skyrim only use up to 4 GB? As for the power supply, I have a Corsair 850 watt, so I should be good. So, every world texture at 2048 and most people Armor and weapons at 4024? Also, how many mods plus the T packs is considered overkill? I've seen people on youtube use well over 200 with steady gameplay and no crashes.


People keep saying Skyrim only uses 4gb, like it's some kind of rule, but what does that actually mean? Sure, Skyrim can only use 4gb, but what about your operating system running it? What about steam? What about your antivirus software? What about all the other little programs you're running in the background on a regular basis? If you think you're good to go on 4gb and you're getting the max out of skyrim, I think you're badly mistaken, personally.


Not to mention, Oblivion only used 2gb of memory... until someone came out with a patch to allow 4gb. So what happens if someone decides to come out with an 8gb patch for Skyrim?


Also, what does 200 mods mean? Some mods are bigger than others, some mods effect your system differently than others. Throwing out a number is meaningless, again, IMO.


What's your problem? You're pretty rude. First of all, do you really want me to list all 200 mods on here? I really hope not. I gave a short synopsis of what type of mods I was considering in my original post and a couple were big ones. If you expect a novel of a comment, then you're mistaken yourself. Everyone, besides you had a good grasp of what I was aiming for. No need to be so negative.

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You do realize the OP has 8GB of ram right?


When he said "doesn't skyrim only use 4GB" it was in reply to someone who said he should up his ram to 16GB.


That pretty much makes your response entirely invalid. What about all the other programs? Well he has an extra 4GB of ram for that. Also, yes Skyrim is only able to use 4GB, and yes, it is pretty much a rule.


Also, mods do not effect the limit no matter how much ram you have. The limit will still be 4GB.


I have a feeling you don't really understand 32bit applications. It's irritating when someone makes a post acting as if they know something but clearly don't. Stop teaching crappy information please XD. Also, stop assuming he only has 4GB of ram when he already posted the amount he has right on the first post.


I will say however that 16GB of ram isn't a bad upgrade, however I really don't think it's necessary if you are only gaming. If you are doing video editing, artwork, or something along those lines then it can help a lot.



No, my response isn't invalid. He's asking about what he should do to upgrade his system. You're saying 8gb is plenty. I'm saying it's not. Regardless of what Skyrim uses, 8gb is going to be pretty limiting for the future. Ram is cheap. Make the move now and plan it into your motherboard.


I would say 8gb right now is average. Both of my systems have more than that. My laptop has 12 with an i7, and I wish it had more, because when I run 3ds max I still get issues within the program with things rendering correctly. My desktop has 16gb, and right now I would say it's perfect for everything I can throw at it, and it only has an old Q6600 quad core.


It also depends a great deal on what OS he's using since the newer ones (I _think_ Win 7 and up) actually hold your memory in reserve for other applications.


My understanding of 32 bit applications is perfectly fine thank you.


And yes, it does matter what types of mods he's running, for reasons I already stated. If he has a 8gb system and he's running something like Norton that hogs your resources, or Steam decides to update (which usually crashes my skyrim), or he has other things running in the background, he's gonna have a bad day with mods that use more resources. Just because Skyrim can use up to 4gb, doesn't mean the rest of his system isn't using 6 at that moment.


You're trying to limit the discussion to what is needed to run Skyrim, and that's a completely irresponsible way to decide on a computer build. And if that's really all the OP wanted, then I'm still telling him/her, that it's the wrong way to plan an upgrade. If you can't run the game because you need a different video card, that's one thing, but to do a full system upgrade, you should sit down and decide everything you're going to use it for and how long you can get out of it.


Otherwise, we should eliminate the discussion of Ram from the get-go, because as I see it, Skyrim cares a hell of a lot more about what type of video card setup you have than it does about your base processor or the amount of memory you have.


You don't read too well, do you? I never asked ANYTHING about upgrading my system. I said that, "I AM upgrading my PC to MOD SKYRIM." I clearly stated that the specs I posted in my original post were going to be my specs AFTER I UPGRADED. I was asking a very simple question about modding my Skyrim with a sizable amount of mods with my new specs and if my PC could handle certain types of big and small mods together. Like I said before, you can't expect me to post every single mod I'm planning to use. It's ludicrous. Also, isn't it fairly obvious that I'm quite new to modding, hence my questions? UGH

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