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Your favourite mods...


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I've been trying to put my perfect load order together for the last few months and I'm about 90% there but would like some opinions. I've done a significant amount of testing but would really like to know what other people use and why in certain categories.




I've been using BDS2 with Hyperborean Snow for quite awhile. It works really well and looks awesome... mostly. There is a small amount of tiling in certain areas that I can't seem to fix. I was thinking about Cathedral Snow but apparently there's an issue with blue, distant snow.




I was using Folksvangr for the longest time but finally gave up trying to fix the landscape edits (I'm afraid to remove the Worldspace edits) so I swithed to Tamrielic Grass which looks awesome but... there is a lot of grass where it shouldn't be, particularly in roads. I'm using the basic No Grassias mod to try to mitigate the issue but it's not working and I don't really want to step it up to the Extended No Grassias if I can help it.




Was using Others Daughters and it worked great but I got sick of potato male children so I switched to TKAAR and it also works really well but I'm using some 'smaller' city and town overhauls that are likely not going to get patches. I'm staying away from RS Children because of the massive 'bugs' section. Are there any mods (or tutorials) that change the children not covered by TKAAR into... human children?




I've tried just about every tree mod out there and am definitely going to be sticking with Myrkvior. In my opinion... far and away, the best looking trees. Except the heavy snowy pines. If anyone has a suggestion for a replacer, I'd love to hear it!




My followers won't sleep and it drives me nuts! I've been using Auto Sleep For Me and it always works for a short time and then just stops working. I don't need anything fancy... just something that lets my followers go to bed.


Also... and miscellaneous mods you think someone would enjoy for an extended (hundreds of hours) playthrough would be greatly appreciated!




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