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Stormtrooper mod just won't work.

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I got the mod that goes with the Ghogiels Storm Trooper assets (I can't remember the actual mod name). Anyway, I saw somebody say that not having the asset might be the problem, but I have the assets as well. I made sure the mod was checked off on the New Vegas startup screen and everything. I managed to get the armor to work, but that's it. All of the troopers in Darth Vader's shop are showing up, but not their weapons or Darth Vader. I read in the ReadMe file that I have to move the assets to the "Data" folder so I did, and that's how the armor worked. But, like I said, that's it. Am I missing anything?


Also, I apologize if this is confusing. It's 11:00 PM and I'm staying up trying to get this to work.


This is where I got the Star Wars mod



This is where I got the assets



I am 100% positive that I put all of the files in my data folder on Fnew Vegas.

Edited by HalfordOfTiptonia
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I haven't used any mods which use those assets so I can't help. But unless you are prepared to more accurately describe the mods in question your odds of getting help are low.


I would suggest you double and triple check where you placed the files.

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