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TES5EDIT - Help Cleaning "Deleted NavMesh Record"


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Hi guys. I know this is a common topic, and I have looked at the tutorials and stuff and still having problems. I hope you guys can claer up where I am going wrong....


I have been tryingto get it working followingthis tutorial... Skyrim: Fixing Navmesh Deletion Using TES5Edit @ iguanadons.net




1) I load up TES5EDIT and find the deleted NavMesh.


It is in Cell/Block 8/Sub-Block 7/Temporary/000E0198 Navigation Mesh.



Then according to the tutorial.

2) I right click on the left hand column upon entry "000E0198 Navigation Mesh" and select "remove".


3) I get a warning, I hit "YES"


4) I get a second warning, I hit "YES" again.



This is where is goes all wonky. In the "demo" of the thread Skyrim: Fixing Navmesh Deletion Using TES5Edit @ iguanadons.net it says it should look something like this.... . (Taken directly from that tutorial post)




See how his image the entry is still there but the right panel is all white... while in my image ... the entire entry is just gone.



I think this is the problem, but I do not know what else I am supposed to do. There is more to the tutorial that I can "kinda" do.. but it still doesn't help.... The tutorial says to click on the same ID.. but I can't as it is completely removed. So.. just guessing I click on the ID above it??!!


5) I click on the mesh and select "Change FormID"



6) I enter the original erroring NavMesh ID



7) The same looking box that pops up in the tutorial appears. I right click and "select all" hit OK, and the box pops up again (as it says it should) and I hit OK again.



I close and save....


BUT yeah.. this dosn't work. I think it all goes wrong around step 4...


Q: Can anyone please tell me how to do this?

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You've got it right. If you look at the tutorial he's deleting 000F26C0, and in the next picture 01022CC9 is selected, which was the entry below 000F26C0

But it doesn't work.... BOSS still reports it as having a NAVMESH error when I just remove it.... and then if I do the 2nd part (Point 5) I get this message


Changing FormID [000138CE] in file "RealisticRoomRental.esp" to [000E0198]

Record is referenced by 4 other record(s)

Warning: Record [NAVM:000E0198] in file Skyrim.esm is being overridden by record [CELL:000E0198] in file RealisticRoomRental.esp.

4 records out of 4 total records which reference FormID [000138CE] have been updated to [000E0198]

but BOSS still shows that there is a NavMesh ERROR??


I do not understand what I am doing wrong? I am almost certain it is step 5... but what should I do instead?

Edited by jyujinkai
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  • 10 months later...

I am having the same problem. 1. betterins. esp 1 deleted navmesh crc: 6AF077C1 2. bettermorthal. esp CRC: 8DC3174D

3. tavevillages.esp CRC: E0F79DCC, If any one has a solution to this it'll be appreciated it be nice if there was a tutorial on how to fix this on youtube but there isn't . when it come to things like this its over my head I am new to this and it took me a month to install mods I want and the require are strict anyway if anybody can help me solve this or make a video on youtube on how to fix this that will great thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Open the mod in the Creation Kit

2. Once it's loaded, click Open as if you were going to load another mod. Select the same mod and instead of OK, click the Details button.

3. There will be a window that pops up showing everything that mod edited. One of the columns at the top will be named "Deleted". Click that column header to put Deleted items at the top of the list.

4. One of those should be a Navmesh. Select it and press the Delete key on your keyboard. You will be told it will be Undeleted and set to be ignored. Click OK. This is similar to TES5Edit's Undelete and Disable function, where Deleted items are Undeleted, placing them back into the mod, and then set to Disabled. They are not permanently removed, which TES5Edit is assumed to be doing.

5. Reload the mod and go to that now-restored original Navmesh (it will be the one whose Form ID starts with 00). Click one triangle of that Navmesh and then click the Flood Fill button to select the entire Navmesh of that cell.

6. Hold the Z key on your keyboard and lower that entire cell's Navmesh a considerable amount.

7. Click D to unselect everything and then click the Finalize Cell Navmesh button.

8. Save and reload the mod and your errors should be gone.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...


I'll share how I clean Deleted NavMesh Records. Hope this helps to streamline the process.


  • Using FNVEdit or TES5Edit (always use current version), select one dirty mod at a time to clean as indicated in your LOOT or BOSS report and deselect all others, then click OK to begin.
    • NOTE: Master files and any dependent mods will get loaded as well. This is normal.
  1. In the left pane, right click on the dirty mod and choose ‘Apply Filter for Cleaning’ from the context menu and wait for the scan to finish.
  2. In the left pane, right click on the dirty mod and choose ‘Undelete and Disable References’ from the context menu and wait for the scan to finish.
  3. In the right pane, look in the Message tab for ‘Skipping: [NAVM:<BLAH>] That BLAH code is an important clue! Copy and paste it into the FormID search field and hit Enter
  4. You will now have two records showing in the right pane. One is the NavMesh in your Master file, the second is the Deleted NavMesh that needs to be removed.
  5. In the right pane, up at the top, right click on the name of the dirty mod and choose ‘Jump to’ from the context menu and it will take you straight to the Deleted NavMesh Record.
  6. In the Left pane, right click on the selected Navigation Mesh and choose ‘Remove’. A warning will pop up asking ‘Are you sure?’ Answer Yes
  7. In the right pane, switch to the Messages tab and repeat the above process for any other skipped NAVM’s listed
  • Once all Deleted NavMesh Records are removed, close FNVEdit/TES5Edit to save your work.
  • Make sure to place checkmarks on the dirty (now cleaned) mod and the Backup Plugins checkboxes only. Anything else, leave unchecked and click OK to save and exit.
  • Run BOSS or LOOT to check your work. No errors, means good to go!
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  • 11 months later...
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