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Pay followers


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Could be possible to making ensure that we must paid the follower that we recruit?

As a mercenary wages.

I think it would make it more real because, I think it looks a little weird:

We meet a follower, we ask him to join us, and he accepts, that's all.

Of course, the money we pay doesn't go into the inventory of the follower, for example, every hour, we lose 5 or 10 pieces per follower.

Obviously, it would have that Lydia isn't concerned, only folowers that are recruited.

What do you think, it would be possible?

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Or as folks used to get paid, a daily wage. The vanilla mercs in the game seem to want 500 Gold pieces up front, so that could be considered just a retainer fee. After that, all followers could get daily wages (what would be reasonable for risking life and linb, plus upkeep?). And if they don't get paid, maybe they walk?

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There is a mod like that exist it called Mixed Unit Tactics - Form an army of followers - Skyrim meets RTS by flexcreator http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30578/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D30578%26preview%3D&pUp=1


Sadly doesn't work with Serana. Totally wish Bethesda would release some script to make Serana modded friendly companion!

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