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Weird Idea. Pipe Revolver alternative.


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So this really odd idea came into my head, and I thought I'd share.

Pipe guns are supposed to be these low tech, thrown together by hand, from stuff laying around, weapons...right?


So what if somebody cobbled together a revolver, that instead of having a barrel, the cylinders themselves, were just... long-ish pipes?

Like,4 t0 6 pipes welded together, taped together, wired together... whatever. You slide these 6 pipes onto the handle of the pistol which has the trigger and the hammer. When you pull the hammer, the pipes rotate, like a revolver would.

To reload, you just yank the set of pipes off the gun, and then load up a fresh set.

Maybe have a short set as the base weapon. 2-4 inch "barrels", then move up to 6-7 inch barrels as an upgrade.


Kind of like the old pepper-box blackpowder guns, except that you don't have to manually rotate the barrels, they do it when the hammer cocks.


Just thought I'd throw it out there.

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