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So, I'm playing skyrimse through vortex for the bajllionth time, and, I'm guessing caused by like one mod or something, I'm unlocking achievements with mods installed. this isn't something I'm trying to fix though, since I've never actually tried to unlock the achievements before.




as you can see, achievements are enabled




yet i have over 150 mods loaded.

was there a change in Skyrim or uessep? probably not.


mod list included(hopefully) if anyone can figure out what's causing this. btw feel free to recommend patches or point out redundant ones

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I believe the latest update to SSE broke SSE Engine Fixes. Could be wrong although it is on my list of mods that the latest update broke.


So far only Encounter Zones Unlocked and Priority Mod have updated as fa as I know.


As my list of mods just includes those I had in my load order I can not speak for other mods, I assume any other mod that uses a .dll will need to be updated also.

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I believe the latest update to SSE broke SSE Engine Fixes. Could be wrong although it is on my list of mods that the latest update broke.


So far only Encounter Zones Unlocked and Priority Mod have updated as fa as I know.


As my list of mods just includes those I had in my load order I can not speak for other mods, I assume any other mod that uses a .dll will need to be updated also.


I would like to edit this and say that I believe not every mod that uses a dll would need to be updated, just those that use records from SkyrimSE.exe. Not sure though, perhaps someone with more knowledge on the subject than I could correct me if I am wrong.

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We run SSE Engine Fixes, but still get the message that use of mods means "achievements are disabled."


We did not elect any option about achievements when installing and enabling SSE Engine Fixes.


Can we reinstall, and enable the default?

you probably could, but also make sure to manually install part 1. there might be an ini you could edit (unsure tho)

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