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Teleportation script help


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I'm trying to make an activator pop up a menu, with the ability to select where to teleport to:



Scriptname teleportarnima2 extends ObjectReference

Message Property Question01MSG Auto
ObjectReference property Dividemarker auto
ObjectReference property MiddleValleyMarker auto
ObjectReference property OutpostMarker auto
ObjectReference Property LowerLakemarker auto
int button1

Event onactivate(Objectreference akactionref)

Function Menu()
button1 == Question01MSG.Show()
if button1 == 0

elseif button1 == 1
;Menu 2 section 1

elseif button1 == 0
;Menu 2 section 2

elseif button1 == 3
;Menu 2 section 3


There are no compilation errors, but when a click on an option, nothing happens. Any help?

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Did you fill the properties? If not, then they have no value and would do nothing.


Yeah I filled the properties, the issue lies with



Function Menu()


When I enter int button1 = 0


Then the script works but only teleports me to ONE location. Leading me to believe that If i could change the value of the int somehow to encompass all the numbers then I could teleport to them all. But I'm not sure how to do that.

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