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Best practices setting up mods?


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Is there some sort of faq or best practices guide for installing mods?


I have followed Gophers video tutorials but not too closely and I can get about half of the things he talks about working until I add something else or move the order around a bit and then all of a sudden nothing works. I can turn everything off and deactivate everything but I still get CTD.


So to combat that I have a steam backup of my FNV to just reload but I'm on attempt like 6 now. My last attempt was the most successful before utter failure when it came to installing Director. I want about 40 mods and I have a fast enough computer to handle everything just fine but I'm still leaning on the side of optimizations so it doesn't get out of control.


I guess what I'm really asking for is more modding newb tutorial resources to get me over the hump of having 15-30 mods installed when things get more complicated. I seem to have the most problems with compatability mods for AWOP and electrocity.


BOSS hasn't been very helpful. I do better managing things by hand it seems so I'm not doing that. I know how to use fnvedit to create the master patch but I don't know exactly how to figure out which mod is causing me so much trouble when things start to go bad.


Anyway I'm going to try again tonight to get it all setup exactly how gopher explains in his first 8 video tutorials and then once I have all that working I'll make a copy of the FNV directory and then add the few more mods I'm after. Ive sunk quite a few hours into trying to get this game into the magical modded mess others seem to not be having as much trouble with. Judging by the forum posts it seems I'm not alone and that this experience is actually pretty normal which is discouraging.

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If you look in FNVEdit it will show you what is conflicting and where. I prefer to create a merge patch and look there.


If you deactivate a MOD its resources are still there. And if a change it made is the source of the error, that will still be there.

It is entirely possible to get 100+ mods working on most stable PCs. Begin there.

1. Is your PC stable? Patched? disk-errors? current drivers? Are you overloading your video ram with a bazillion graphics files and settings all at max? How current are your drivers And so on.... get a stable base. note, these are not questons for you to answer but things for you to look at.

2. Get a good working base within Fallout NV. Download it, test it a little to make sure stuff is working.

3. Read the readme's of the mods as you download them.

4. be cautious with how many mods you install at once.

5. Install your mods in the 'most popular' to 'least popular' order. Not because the most popular ones are better or more important but because there are more people out there that have tested those to work well together and issues are less likely.


You might want to consider backing things up as you go. Takes diskspace, but saves re-install time.


If you want a one-liner to sum it up: be slow and methodical.

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Yeah all of those points are pretty much the same conclusions I have come to so far.



I just need to be more patient and methodical with my installing and testing. I like to think " These 3 mods should work just fine in order " and then i forget where I was and well I'm sure you know how that goes.


Ahh, you made a backup script hahaha a fellow I.T person.

Edited by bradgillap
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