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Help required finding a specific Fallout 4 modder


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I'm looking for a modder who goes by the name "Homelander1001" on Bethesda.net, to address an issue with their mods.


But because Bethedsa.net is garbage, I cannot contact them through that site. If anyone knows if they have a nexus profile, or some other way to contact them, could you DM me.


Maybe they don't want to be contacted? That's fine, but I'll never know if I don't ask



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Let's start out with a basic question. Tell us the name of the mod or mods you know for sure this person created. I just typed that name in two different browsers. There are a crap ton load of things and people with that name. Without a way to narrow the search, I'm not going to look for anything else. I did find one name that's very similar on Nexus. "Homelander1002" This person has endorsed several mods. If by chance this is your person, a simple "Got it" will let me know this helped. If it's not, the mod or mods names will help me do a better search. May your quests be many and fruitful.

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