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Extended level-up messages, and the opposite


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I like all these inspiring quotes I get to hear whenever I grow stronger, but I think they stop too early: a significant chunk of my playthrough - perhaps even most of it - is spent above level 21, so the one last message I keep getting over and over quickly grows tiresome, and it feels like there should have been more.


Also, for a reason I haven't quite figured out yet, from time to time I level down. It's some mod that does it, but I'm not sure why. That's beside the point right now. The point is, even when I level down, I get the usual cheery jingle and the same old quote about getting better, even though I've gotten objectively worse instead. So it would be nice if you had some level-down messages as well, perhaps a little womp-womp tune to go with it.


Any mods anywhere already existing that would scratch this particular itch?

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In fact, after some examination it looks like whole leveling up is hard-coded thing. All messages are sLevelUpxx and the one you see after level 20 is sLevelDefault, all in Construction Set in "Settings..." part.


How the leveling down looks like? if it's some message box only, it could be something driven by script which can be modified to play different tune other than Success.mp3 and you could also add some level-down messages (using OBSE). If this calls MenuMode 1027 somehow, you're out of luck.


I think there is some possibility to make some level-down screen replacement, but not wihout OBSE commands and plug-ins like MenuQue. And to make it look like original will be hard work.

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