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Alter egos on different forums.


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I've recently began thinking, how many people 'act' their personality on forums? On another gaming forum from South Africa my alter-ego is a Bi-sexual teenage male, because it's easier not to be accused of sexism that way. Tesnexus and ModsReloaded is perhaps the only forum where I am myself (most of the time at least). Do any of you have alter-egos on other forums, whether it be to protect yourself from flame wars or just for fun?
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Well, this is the only forum I use, so I don't really have any alter-ego's. But my personality on here is different to my real-life personality, if that counts.
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i do not act my personality, to be honest i cant really act at all, like everything you see about me is true, like ask anyone on mods reloaded, i am just out with it, i do not have to act a different personality because mine is fine, but people who do different personalities on different forums should really think about who they are really fooling... us, or themselves... like i can tell from a mile away if some one is, because they seem to keep on being strict and very careful of what they say. i honestly do not like people on forums who pretend to be someone else, like my real name in life is keylek, it is not just made up, so really do not like people who have different personalities to either get people to like them, or just to act a bit hard so people are scared of them...


and happy 18Th birthday halororor, it says it is your 18Th on mods reloaded... :thumbsup:

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I don't go on forums other than here and the sites of people I met here. However, I can see why someone might value the idea of being someone else as an escape.


And it's birthday thread time, Halororor! ;)

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nah most people here dont have a alter ego on here they just act like themselves nothing wrong with that even people with alter egos


Sword Devil

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The only other forums I'm active on pertain to Pen/Paper RPGs, and the only difference for me there is that I post a bit more enthusiastically. I'm still pretty-much the same, mildly abrasive and perhaps a bit opinionated as I am here, but I only join forum-boards that I want to retain membership on, so I'm good about keeping to the rules. :closedeyes:
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