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A mod to allow the player character to be enslaved


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You can hardly be called a slave in the DLC, you're more like a guy that runs around downtown while the raiders call you mean names.


I think OP meant something more along the lines of a slaver random encounter. Perhaps you would be walking along, and then slavers ambush you and shoot you with a mezmetron. This makes you do the usual mezz animation for a few seconds, and then it fades to black/load screen and you reappear in the slave pen in paradise falls.

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Still, two problems:


1) paradise falls is one of the most underdeveloped and uninteresting places of the capital wasteland.

2) Since slaving was done (albeit badly) on a DLC, it sort of removes the originality of the idea.

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I hve finished the Pitts DLC it was too quick, maybe a career as a salve over a long period could be fun



And this is spot on exactly what i have in mind:


I think OP meant something more along the lines of a slaver random encounter. Perhaps you would be walking along, and then slavers ambush you and shoot you with a mezmetron. This makes you do the usual mezz animation for a few seconds, and then it fades to black/load screen and you reappear in the slave pen in paradise falls.

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The mez thing would be rather dull. Admit it: paradise falls is crap.


That, and "life as a slave" is one of the most dull and fun-void ideas ever. Think of it: the job of slaves is to do the manual repetitive and boring labors their masters dont want to do. Unless you thrive about moving boxes, cleaning up and, say, methodically cutting cars to pieces or pulling a lever every x minutes, you won't enjoy the mod.

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The point wouldn't be to serve the slavers, but to break free of imprisonment. This could be formed into a nice quest, but obviously Paradise falls would need to be redesigned in that case. We'd need more slaves doing stuff, a larger and more fleshed out town, and some truly dastardly villains. Left as is, an "Escape from Paradise Falls" quest wouldn't be more than picking a gate and sneaking/shooting your way out. And no Snake Plissken hurts the idea even more.


Speaking of which, let me ramble off a pie-in-the-sky idea that is never going to happen. After being captured by slavers, you only spend a day or 2 inside the cage (with no way out). After that, the Duke of New York (that's right!) comes down to DC, buys you, and takes you back to New York. NY wasn't hit so badly, but is still quite derelict. It has become the one maximum security prison for the whole Northern Commonwealth (original, no?) EFNY-related hijynx ensue, and oh yeah, the president of America, John Henry "Malcolm McDowell" Eden, is trapped somewhere on the island. Are you a bad enough dude to save the chess-simulating Computer President?


But in all seriousness, that would be awesome.

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now you're wandering off to the "new giant area and stuff" zone. And that crap takes an insane amount of time. Any moder of worth is going to prefer to work on THEIR huge mod/idea/whatever rather than take somebody else's life-eating project.


So, if you want it built. Make it yourself.

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now you're wandering off to the "new giant area and stuff" zone. And that crap takes an insane amount of time. Any moder of worth is going to prefer to work on THEIR huge mod/idea/whatever rather than take somebody else's life-eating project.


So, if you want it built. Make it yourself.


Chill bro,


I thought I made it perfectly clear that it wasn't a serious idea.

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