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A mod to allow the player character to be enslaved


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Its not about chilling, it's about being realistic. Modders are busy, each have their projects, some have this grand idea of supermod that they work on, albeit most won't complete theirs. Requesting for huge mods is a waste of time.
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Its not about chilling, it's about being realistic. Modders are busy, each have their projects, some have this grand idea of supermod that they work on, albeit most won't complete theirs. Requesting for huge mods is a waste of time.


I don't think you understand. I didn't request anything, and the ridiculous joke-idea I also put out, like I specifically stated, was pie in the sky and unrealistically ridiculous. But hey, thanks for parroting back what I already stated.


The first part of the post was also not a request, but rather a list of things that OP would need in order for his idea to work. Obviously you didn't get it, because "Rescue for Paradise" is already a quest anyway. Perhaps you have me mistaken with the OP.


And one last thing, this is the request forum. It's meant for requests, including whatever OP wanted, and this means he has the right to put his idea out there. If you don't like the idea, seeing as it apparently pisses you off, don't respond to it and let it sink to the next page. Peace, broseph.

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Just to have the option would be nice that is all, i accept it wont be everyones bag but for others it is.


can nobody show some decency in these forums?? this guy posts this ensalve mod request cos HE wants it and HE likes it...he is not asking people who dont like the idea to flame him,show some respect


some admin should really take some action

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Thank you Pelvis.


the way i see it posibly working is, if it is based on the Jannasseries from the Ottoman Empire they were slaves but could be warriors, adminstraotrs etc, they cpuld have careers but were could also be bought and sold

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Thank you Pelvis.


the way i see it posibly working is, if it is based on the Jannasseries from the Ottoman Empire they were slaves but could be warriors, adminstraotrs etc, they cpuld have careers but were could also be bought and sold


I think I might have some good news for you. A modder named sesom is working on a slave-trade related quest here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...118511&st=0


Apparently he is almost done, but only the first installment. Perhaps if you contacted him and share your idea, he can expand upon it and integrate it into part 2.

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You are looking in the right place ;)


Spoiler Alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its one of the possible outcomes of Part One and this theme is continued in Part Two and Three because there is not much todo for player slaves in the original game



You are already spoilerd! Are you interested in helping me to test my first act of part one?


Sorry there is no New York in my Mod, but the desiign document of Van Buren was very inspiering for me ;).

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