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Semi Auto and Double Shots with B&T SPR


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This is not exactly an issue with a mod but I'm really curious about it.


So I've been trying to see what semi auto firing mode can do to guns. Just a personal experiment and try to see if I can learn something new. I changed these mods (from many firearms) to use semi auto:


BT SPR - Sniper Rifle




McMillan CS5 - A Standalone Sniper Rifle


From these three, only B&T SPR is affected. Whenever I fire the rifle, it fires double shots with each trigger pull, two projectiles consuming two bullets at the same time. Happens in real time and VATS. Crossbow and CS5 don't have any problem with semi auto firing mod, despite the weapons are bolt action. Both weapons fire single shot with each trigger pull without bolt pulling (CS5) or reloading between shots (crossbow). I'm really curious about this issue. Maybe something with a part (receiver, etc.)? Anybody has any idea what is causing it? Does semi auto change SPR's bolt action to burst fire?

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Hi Samantha.

Ok, so first and very much importantly... where are you getting this "semi auto mode" ? Is that from a mod?

The only thing that you really need to do to a bolt action style weapon to make it SA, is to remove the "Bolt Action" tag from it's weapon file.

Then you can adjust the settings in your other files to make it more the way that you want it.



The dual projectiles that you are explaining, sounds very much like a legendary effect which does exactly that. Makes the gun fire two rounds visually, and ups the damage from the weapon.

Check the weapon's files to see if it has that legendary effect.

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The only thing that you really need to do to a bolt action style weapon to make it SA, is to remove the "Bolt Action" tag from it's weapon file.


Hi, Wolf.


That was exactly what I did, removing the Bolt Action tag from the weapons/guns.

Another method to make a gun a semi auto is using ECO to apply the semi auto firing mode, although I prefer to tweak the .ESP with xEdit.




The dual projectiles that you are explaining, sounds very much like a legendary effect which does exactly that. Makes the gun fire two rounds visually, and ups the damage from the weapon.

Check the weapon's files to see if it has that legendary effect.

No, I'm not using the Two Shot legendary. After testing a lot, I found out that it has something to do with the camera perspective. In first person, semi-auto SPR (with bolt action removed) fires normally: single shot, one shot with each trigger pull. No burst fire, no multiple projectiles/shot. But in third person, it fires twice at the same time. Another mod that I use to test is Call of Duty Weapon Mod Deposit with Colt 1911. It's the default .ESP (I don't change anything) and the gun fires twice or thrice (burst fire) with each trigger pull despite the gun being semi auto, but only in third person perspective. In first person, it fires single shot with each trigger pull.


I'm wondering if there's something I can change with third person or anything that can prevent semi auto firing mode from firing multiple shots with each trigger pull. Also it only occurs with certain weapons/guns. CS5 and crossbow with bolt action removed and Subleader's HK-USP don't have the burst fire issue. Enabling either VSYNC or frame limit or both through driver (NVIDIA) or ENB doesn't do anything so it may be something related to the game. Any idea?

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Hi back, Samantha.

Ok, sorry you threw me off there when you were calling it "mode". :laugh: But I'm on the correct page now ;)


Aye, I just installed ECO not long ago. Been trying to get the hang of it, and have seen the ability to change from semi to full, or vice versa. Have not tried it out yet. But I agree, as that would be my choice as well. Do it once, and then only change it if needed. Much more convenient and time practical.


I'm wondering if this might be the animations used by the weapon. Going into semi, might be glitching the animations?

Does your ammo counter register 2 shots, or just the 1?

If it's counting just the 1 shot, then make a backup of the file you're working with, and then change the animations to use something like the vanilla assault rifle, or combat rifle. Then test it in game to see if it still has that visual glitch.


It's been a while, I can't remember exactly for sure. But my brain is saying that the animation for shooting the gun is.... in the aim model file? Hugely sorry if I'm wrong about that!

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The only thing that you really need to do to a bolt action style weapon to make it SA, is to remove the "Bolt Action" tag from it's weapon file.


Hi, Wolf.


That was exactly what I did, removing the Bolt Action tag from the weapons/guns.

Another method to make a gun a semi auto is using ECO to apply the semi auto firing mode, although I prefer to tweak the .ESP with xEdit.




The dual projectiles that you are explaining, sounds very much like a legendary effect which does exactly that. Makes the gun fire two rounds visually, and ups the damage from the weapon.

Check the weapon's files to see if it has that legendary effect.

Colt 1911. It's the default .ESP (I don't change anything) and the gun fires twice or thrice (burst fire) with each trigger pull despite the gun being semi auto, but only in third person perspective. In first person, it fires single shot with each trigger pull.

Don't let the ATF know that you have a trigger like that! :laugh: :laugh:


Ok, sorry. Couldn't resist.


Mkay yeah. This is part of what is leading me towards thinking it might be the anims. 1st person and 3rd person use different files.

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