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shared/direct storage


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i dunno if it exists but suggesting it anyway.


while i love the immersion of the game, it sometimes simply gets to annoying that every time i try to craft something i always need it in my backpack.

so i would love to have a storage like a chest in whiterun or such, that directly links the appropriate crafting tool.



i have loads of iron/ebony/dwarven ingots and i put it in the chest, it's out of my inventory but when i use the forge it can directly tap to the chest.


the reason why i want this is because i love to play the game with the bother of weight but i don't want to place my mats on one place and have to travel all the way there just to get the mats, and since we can't quick travel when we have an overweight, this becomes an enormous time issue.


another suggestion that might be a bit tricky to make is a shared one, maybe it can be merged with the other one but this one can link the chest to every single character you have.

so in a way, it's not bound to a character but rather the entire game.


i hope they can be done, fingers crossed.

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You can't directly access another container from a workstation. You can, if a script is applied either directly or via quest, auto-transfer said container's contents to the player when the workstation is accessed and then transferred back.


There are some mod homes that have workstations set up like that, but no mod does it for every workstation in the game. I have made attempts and I'll be honest, it is much easier (and safer for the save game) to use a bag of holding to store the items in, drop it to the ground to auto-transfer the items back, craft, pick the bag of holding back up to auto-transfer items back into it.

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