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requesting a plane


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We have all seen the planes on Rivet city, what i want to request is a new modell for the planes (and for sue in a mod i am making) with their wings straight (not put in the upwards position).

So anyone think they can do it? would be cool.


And for all of you who were going to start a rant about requesting drivable vehicles, sorry for disapointing you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i've made a mod of a plane house, made by the megaton scraps, but i gave up on that mod. maybe ask someone to pimp it out a little, make it smaller and drivable. to get to my mod just search aeroplane.


Actually i have seen your plane mod, it is awsome. But the plane i want for my mod is a fixed wing version of the normal fighter planes from the game.


Hope you countinue the work on your plane mod, it was comming along very nicely.

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