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Stuck on entering some new areas. Nothing I've tried works.


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This is a weird, weird bug. On entering a few new buildings, my character will be completely stuck. The buildings are The Gray, Nash's House in Primm and Vault 3 Maintenance Area. There might be another but I can't remember. picture here: http://imgur.com/D1RlVaE [1]

As you can see, junk and bodies seem to be impeding my progress. I've turned off collision and nothing. Spawning into the building does nothing. The people WERE alive and all stuck in the same place as I was. I tried killing them through console and nothing.

Mods are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i09dcpfvy4b453n/LoadOrder_FalloutNV_2013-11-10T16-44-31.txt

Any help would be appreciated as it's stopping me doing some quests and it's a massive pain in the arse.

tl;dr: stuck completely. Please help.

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Just re-posting it in case someone else has seen this before:



It seems obvious it is a MOD conflict, most likely one of the add-more people some place mods.


Things to test:


Corrupt save (least likely):

Have you loaded a older save (one from well before you saw this issue) to see if it is a save file issue?


Load order conflict (most likely):

Have you checked your load order with FNVEdit? Have you made a compatibility patch with FNVEdit (called a merge patch)


The issue is probably one of those. In case it is not, then you have to test for a bad mod. This is an unfortunately common problem as some mods are released with a dependency on something which was changed or they were never properly scripted/tested.


Bad Mod:

Have you tried disabling select groups of mods to see which mod is creating a conflict? Disable 5-10 at a time. Once the problem goes away it was in the last block.

Note that this assumes there is a single bad mod. If it is still an issue, disable ALL mods and see that that does. Then add them back a few at a time. This way everytime the problem re-surfaces you know that there is at least 1 bad mod in the latest block (takes more time to test this way but it will help you find multiple bad mods).


FNV is Buggy:

You are right at the limit with mods. Consider dropping a few or merging some of them (not a compatibility patch, but actually merging). Note merging mods does not mean you should not also use a merged-patch (compatibility patch). I sure wish the creator of FNVEdit called compatibility patches just that instead of the confusing merge-patch.

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