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Prone Mod?


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I dont really see how it cant be done...

The animations are there, and wouldnt it be possible to make aim very steady while proned

Also when proned it could increase your sneak by say +30 so your less likely to be seen


Whats keeping us away from a prone mod?

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First and foremost. The animations aren't "there". 1 Lousy lying down animation is nothing, we're talking about aim, shooting, reload, movement, accelerated movement, getting hit, and blocking animations, for each gun and each hitpart. Most of the time SEVERAL per gun and hitpart.


You can't add new "combat" poses. You can make your character assume an iddle and lay down, but you can't integrate it to make it fire. It is hardcoded.

The only way would be to do all those animations, and THEN replace sneaking. Which would bring all sort of troubles with the AI, since it sneaks when cowering.


Even if you managed to get past all that, the game uses simplified collision boxes, by being close to the floor and rocks and grass and whatnot, 99% of the time your bullet will hit the floor instead of going to where you're aiming it.

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