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Stalhrim Mines in Skyrim?


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Would it be possible to make a good amount of Stalhrim mines in the world of Skyrim? I know there are mines in Solstheim but there are times in Skyrim when I'd like to craft Stalhrim stuff and don't want to go back to the island. It would have to be lore-friendly mines though populated by either draugr or bandits to make it balanced and realistic, or even spiders and skeevers. There shouldn't be too many or veins in each mine and some hidden chests/barrels in the mines with random loot would be great too but the main thing is lore-fiendly, realisic Stalhrim mines hidden in Skyrim!! Or to make up for the fact that no one knew about Stalhrim, the mines can be added to vanilla mines but behind secret passageways commonly found in Nordic ruins. That would be really cool and give folks a purpose to thorughly explore caves, mines, and duneons to seek out these tunnels for deposites of Stalhrim. Even if it's only one or two mines that would be epic!!


Many thanks in advance and fingers crossed!! :smile:


P.S. Needless to say it would require the Dragonborn DLC but that's okay for me cause I have it and basically finished all the quests on Solstheim so I have the Stalhrim smithing ability now.

Edited by ADragonCalledGeorge
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