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Waking Nightmare CtD


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I keep trying to complete this mission but every time I enter the Dreamstride the game crashes to desktop shortly after pulling the chain which releases the miasma and returns me back to a waking state.


Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know how to fix it?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm happy to say that the quicksave trick actually works. :smile:



After you pull chain to release the miasma, you are transported back to the real world, able to move around but unable to interact with anything (can't use the "Activate" action, the "E" key on the PC). Get ready to spam Quicksave (F5).

As soon as the blur effect on the edges of the screen starts to dissipate, hit the Quicksave button repeatedly and rapidly, severely slowing the game down. You should hear the player character cough/gasp once, apparently awakening from the dream. Continue Quicksaving.

Your character should cough/gasp a SECOND time. Keep quicksaving. Shortly after the second cough/gasp, the game will crash during one of the save attempts.

Load up the game again, then just click "Continue" or load up the most recent quick save, as the junk one that was created during the crash did not overwrite the good one. You can now make more saves without issues.


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