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Open Cities has made NPC's disappear in Riften


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I installed this mod and the music from outside was playing over the music in the cities, so I deleted it because it seemed rather glitchy. However now all the merchants in Riften have disappeared and won't respawn, anyone have a solution to this? I'm not too savvy when it comes to putting NPC back on their correct path's. I really think there should be more warnings when certain mods are as unstable as this....

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Have you tried reverting to an earlier save to test if they show up?


I'm afraid it's too late for that..... I've found a fix on Youtube, but it will take a long time. I'm just really hoping this only effects Riften.


I really think this mod should be taken off the nexus until this problem is fixed, if anyone knows of any fixes or patches for this please let me know, thanks in advance.

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Did you follow the uninstallation instructions in the readme?

Actually I didn't, perhaps if I reinstall the mod and then uninstall that will solve the problem?


I didn't read the read me, didn't even know it came with a read me, why he didn't put this in the description is beyond me. If this mod wasn't supposed to be installed with mod manager he should have switched that off as well. Anyway it's telling me to install with something called BAIN, I didn't install it with that, I installed it with mod manager.

Edited by Draconious
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Well I've managed to fix Riften, Whiterun and Windhelm, but I think my only choice is to start a new game or go back to an earlier save file, if I have one before I installed this game breaking mod. Hmm I might have a try at reinstalling and then uninstalling the proper way to see if that fixes it, but I have my doubts as the youtuber who came up with the fix installed and uninstalled exactly as the read me told him and it still broke his game. I literally installed this mod for five minutes before uninstalling and didn't realise it had ruined my game, so annoyed right now. Another weird thing is the Kajjeet tents aren't outside Whiterun and they're just wondering around, don't think that's normal, who knows what else this mod has wrecked in the game sigh....

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Ah I think I managed to fix it, I went back to a save before I installed the mod and made a new save then loaded my most recent save and the NPC's were back to normal. I thought my only option was to go back to an old save file but it seems doing this resets the NPC's.


Does this mean that my game should function normally now? It seems to be.


Actually scratch that, it didn't do s#*!. Oh well I'll just have to go back to the old save and start over.....

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Just wondered if I do a clean reinstall of Skyrim could this solve the problem? Also I just wanted confirmation, will going back to an old save file before I installed the mod fix everything? It seems to have done, NPC's seem to be in their correct places and there are no more NPC's hiding under the cities.

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